Your Number One Enemy
Your Number 1 Enemy Judges 14:6 Who Killed Samson? 1. Delilah. 2. Philistines The answer is neither one of the above. Philistines were Samson's enemies, Delilah was his closest enemy but the most biggest and dangerous enemy that Samson had was himself. Samson had been given the mighty power and strength which was out of this world. He became his own enemy from the "word-go", by falling in love with the girl of the nations, a Philistine, remember God had long warned us about intermarriages from the onset. Since her beauty had deceived him, he rejected the counsel of his parents and continued to marry her. On his way to Timah Samson decided to go into the bush leaving his parents (Manoah and his wife) on the path, in which instance he found himself faced with a young lion. However, the Spirit of God fell upon him and he tore it apart with his bare hands with no struggle and returned to his parents keeping it within himself. The girl of the natio...