Honor The Anointing

Honor The Anointing

(Numbers 12:1) Miriam and Aaron were rebuked by God for opposing His servant Moses.  The Lord asked them why they not afraid to criticize Moses since he is high in authority to them.  The wrath of God fell on them as a result when He finished talking, Miriam had gone leprotic.  Moses had to cry before God on her behalf and the Lord heard him and forgave her under conditions that she will only return to the camp of the Israelites after 7 days.
The very same anointing that you are attacking, goes and cries for you before God when His wrath has kindled because of your carelessness.
Honoring the anointing goes a very long way, Benaiah and other valiant warriors of the army of David, though they may not pop up in many occasions in the bible but we know they submitted completely under their master David and the same anointing that gave David victory over, the bear, the lion and Goliath gave the victory in battles they encountered. Benaiah was a captain of David's body gaurd, he actually pursued a lion as it ran to the pit and he killed it and many more victories that are humanly impossible.
Benaiah and The 30 Mighty Men of David honored the anointing that's why they served David with total obedience, submission and faithfulness.  Child of God, you do not have to answer this to right now but to meditate on it and ask God to reveal it to you, "Do you honor the anointing you submitting under or the anointing in other servants of God?"
David himself respected the anointing in Saul even though Saul tried in may occasions to slaughter David, but he took a stand never to raise his hand upon a man whom God has anointed until God delivered him to his own enemies that did not honor the anointing, they slaughtered him.
Absulom seeking to spill the blood of a servant of God, his own father, whom God had anointed, he further stretched his tent over his father's wives and humiliated him before the entire Israel, God was watching all his wickedness.  He found disfavor before God of heavens armies and died while pursuing his father.  Dishonoring the anointing is an invitation for trouble, because the anointing fights on its own and no prayer can rescue you from it, remember there is only one anointing of God  but different strengths depending on different levels of spirituality.  And it cannot fight against itself. You cannot run to another servant of God to rescue you from the wrath of God, which you have provoked in another servant of God.
Child of God by opposing servants of God whom God has ordained Himself, you are attacking the anointing of God in them.  The anointing protects the servant of God, if you were to attack the president of any country, you will have to deal with the military force of the entire country together with its entire safety and security departments including highly trained body guards, police force and its intelligence and you won't come close to surviving a day without being crushed like an ant in the process, it is the same thing with the anointing of God, it is undescribably powerful beyond measure.
Honor The Anointing, Opposing a servant of God is opposing God Himself, Saul had been anointed as well but when he was hunting David, God had rejected him for disobedience and He had now dwelled in David.
That servant of God whom you criticize, oppose, bad mouth, envy, hate, disobey.  The wrath of God is kindling upon you, remember there is nothing that is hidden before God even your complaining hearts in their stillest silence, you will account for them unless you make a right decision and repent before it is too late.
Honoring the anointing can bless you in so many ways.
2 Kings 4:1-7  A widow who had married a prophet cried out to the man of God Elisha regarding her 2 sons who were about to be taken by her late husband's creditor as slaves since she couldn't settle the debt of her late husband.  What Elisha told her as a solution was humanly impossible but honoring the anointing, she did as instructed by the man of God, she was able to pay the debt and to have enough olive oil left for her and her 2 sons to make a living.
If you take a word of the servant of God and honoring the anointing, you will experience the power in the Word for a spoken word becomes a living word in you that changes your situation.
Very often when God instructs me to tell someone to fast, pray, read a certain scripture, it is always of an urgent case, if he/she receives the message with obedience, something transpires in no time in his/her life,please take this message serious.  Without soaking you in details with incalculable messages that the Lord sends me to deliver to His people, and some usually being instructions to pray for or to support a particular person with prayers, I would better stop right here.
I urge you people of God in all 4 corners of the earth, "Honor The Anointing.". Even if you are not born again, this message is for everyone, young and old righteous and unrighteous.
2 Kings 4:8-38 
A Shunamite woman invited Elisha into her house for dinner, thereafter, every time Elisha and His servant came by to eat when they were at Shunamen, she further proceeded to construct a room for him in her house and not on the dungeon but upstairs(spiritual meaning of upper room is high in authority).
And she furnished it with everything he might need.  The man of God was touched and released a blessing of "the fruit of the womb" upon her as much as her husband was well stricken in age.  She gave birth to a boy.
When it came to pass that the child died, the Shunamite woman in total honor of the anointing she went to the man of God and refused to accept the death of her child without consulting him. Again for the favor of the Shunamite woman, the man of God cried to God for the child to be revived.  And the child lived.
Child of God, there is favor before the Lord if you Honor The Anointing on His servants.
Matthew 10:41 " Whoever receives a prophet because he is a Prophet, will receive a Prophet's reward, and whoever receives and righteous man because he is righteous, will receive a righteous man's reward."
Instruction: for best results
1. Dedicate/Rededicate your life to Christ
2. Repent and forsake all known and unknown sins
3. Read at least 4 chapters/day
4. Allocate a minimum of 2 hours and 40 minutes for God every day.

Confession scripturePsalm 51


1. Heavenly Father, I dedicate myself onto Your throne of FIRE!! In the name of Jesus
2. Heavenly Father, receive me and my family, my finances, my property, my marriage, my destiny, my career, in the name of Jesus
3. My Father, before Your throne of FIRE, I hand over all my body organs from the top of my head to the soul of my feet, in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Father, before Your throne of grace, I stand and present my case with confidence that You shall attend to my very special prayer today, in the name of Jesus
5. Father by Your Mighty Power, release Your anointing upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
6. Anointing of the Great Physician, locate me now, in Jesus Christ's name.
7. Anointing that breaks the yoke, fall upon me today and break ever yoke in my life, in Jesus' name.
8. Anointing of wisdom and discernment, locate me in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
9. Anointing of greatness, seek and find me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
10. I receive the anointing to fulfil my destiny, in Jesus Christ's name.
11. I receive the anointing of victory in all areas of my life, in Jesus' name.
12. I receive the anointing to enjoy the sweat of my enemies in the land of the living, in Jesus' name.
13. I receive the anointing of prosperity beyond measure, in the name of Jesus Christ.
For prayer requests, please comment:
Prayer, Name, location, 
For dream interpretation, Click on dream interpretation on link and type(name, location and dream)

By Evangelist GM Mbalane 


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