God Above All Else

 Matthew 6:33

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and He will give you all else."

All Saints and readers all over the world, my humble greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We thank God for His faithfulness in our lives, I thank God for each and everyone of you where ever you are, please receive my love in Christ Jesus' name.

As the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit, we shall look at the definition of the words:

Seek - go in search of

        - ask for 

        - try to acquire or gain

The word seek is very powerful in this scripture, it has been used to emphasize on going in deep search of something very important.  Meaning it calls for you to leave your comfort zone and acquire the Kingdom of God, as it may not be found where you are most comfortable. 

Above - more than

Righteousness - a state of being righteous

                        - a state of Godliness

                        - a state of being without sin/innocence/purity

NB: The state of Godliness has the ability to shake the foundations of hades and hell, because demons fear anyone who is righteous, pure and holy.  

Now let's construct a sentence using these definitions, 

"Go in deep search of the Kingdom of God more than all else and live in a state of Godliness/innocence/purity and He will give you everything else."

The Kingdom of God is the most greatest breakthrough we as children of God should long to receive.  If you can find it, all else will be given to you, there won't be a need to look for breakthroughs until you fall into the trap of false prophets and false pastors. 

People go to churches in search of prosperity more than seeking God.  Some people full of deceiving spirits nowadays, stand on pulpits and preach lies of the devil.  Preaching money, pride and impurity.  Even when they advertise either on print or electronic media, you can tell just by reading or listening to the ads.

Selling of expensive materials which they claim are highly anointed.  I am not against selling of materials but the price tag attached to them, how does it help poor people who are on the journey of faith seeking the Kingdom of God.  In my understanding, as the word says, "The Spirit of God is upon me, He has anointed me to proclaim the Good News to the poor."  Where does the poor get the money to purchase expensive material?  Just what is the price tag attached to the anointing?

Be sober minded at all times, criminals are preying on innocent people and churches are soft targets of such unscrupulous, deceivers who are advancing the 3 fold mission statement of their father inside the house of God.   Healing and deliverance are all free, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has paid a great price for you and I to be delivered. Isaiah 53:5

It is not wrong to manufacture such materials by God's instruction however, they should not be a promise to prosper anyone without the Kingdom of God, but for the purpose of encouragement and some good servants of God make them for that purpose and avail them at very low cost so that everyone may afford them, may the Good Lord bless them for that.  

Truly speaking the financial breakthrough you are seeking so much will not come until you have found the Kingdom of God.  Any testimony and doctrine that promises prosperity without righteousness a lies of the devil, utter deception, highway to hell.  

Matthew 7:13-14

"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate,  The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.  But the gate to life is narrow and the road is difficult and only a few ever finds it."

What is meant by this?

To enter God's Kingdom, you need to lose yourself.  It is not everyone who will enter but those who do His will, now you cannot do His will if you do not fear God.   Which is why God made man to fear Him so that man will do God's will.  Without the fear of God it is impossible to enter through that gate because you you will not doo His will.  That means it is important to fear God as means of seeking His Kingdom.  And note this:  Anyone who has the Spirit of God will automatically fear God. 

 Prayer point:

God my Father, help me to fear You, in Jesus Christ's name.

Most people want the easy way out but the word we have just read says, " the road is difficult." If your way home was full of potholes, obstacles, speed humps and bends, would you turn around and choose another route which you know is leading you home? Not unless you are not sure of where you are going.  The challenges that you are facing right now, remember the scripture above, you are without any income, you lack finances, the road is difficult.  This is not a gospel of poverty but a reality.  But one thing is certain, for those who trust in the Lord, He will always reveal Himself unto them.  Our God is the provider.  Be careful of praying to have it easy, demons also hear your prayers and most people pray and receive answers from the evil one as there is no way he cannot hear when you pray unless you are praying in proper tongues.  The fact that you have challenges in your life and you find yourself being recharged with endurance, is God is indeed by your side.  

Never pray to be without challenges, and never come to God so He may deliver you from challenges but to seek His face and favor.  I remember when I came to this path of Christian faith, Master Jesus told me, "In the path of Christian faith, you will come across challenges, difficulties, persecution, lack, sicknesses, hardships and others, do not think of going back and even to go back, be encouraged and encourage others." 

This to encourage everyone out there, children of God seek the Kingdom of God more than all else and live righteously, God will give you that you need.  And whilst doing that, always bear in mind that you are on a journey, the road is difficult but never think of going back, continue pressing on.  That which you ask for shall be given to you, whatever you are seeking, you shall surely find it, the door you are knocking on shall be opened, never lose hope.

I love you all, shalom

Evangelist Jacob, 

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