Cast The Nets Deeper

Cast The Nets DeeperNew Nation Radio SA

Genesis 15:5-6

He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars-if indeed you can count them.”

Then He said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”


Luke 5:4

When He had finished speaking He said to Simone, “Put out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch.”


Daniel 9:2-3

In the year of his reign, I Daniel, understood from the scriptures, according to the Word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the Prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last for 70 years.

So I turned to the Lord and pleaded with Him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.

When God spoke to Abraham regarding his descendants, Abraham believed the Lord though the promise according to his situation at that time by human understanding was far from reality.  And for that, God was pleased with Abraham who was then called Abram.

To fulfill the promise, God sent Joseph to Egypt using his brothers’ envy over him as a reason to trade him for slavery.  In Egypt Joseph obtained a governor’s position after all the betrayal of his brothers, temptation, false accusations and jail.

All that happened to Joseph to fulfill God’s plan.   

What was God’s plan?

Was it to wipe out Pharaoh and all his army?

Was it to reign all those plagues on Egypt?

Was it to slaughter all the firstborn males of Egypt?

No, God’s plan was to establish a covenant with his people.  

Specifically in the wilderness, on Mount Sinai.  And return them to the land where their forefather lived when He swore an oath to give it to him.

God had it worked out from the word-go, all the incidents were pre-planned in heaven.

We once spoke about the promise of God for every person, and we said God makes a promise to you, you and you.  Let alone the promises that we find in the bible-they are as equally important as the promise that God makes for each person and we said it takes a commitment on your side to see the promise being fulfilled.

Now, God will promise things that you will see in the spirit but never touch them.

Those who live in the spirit will see them and be satisfied, but carnal beings remain unsatisfied.  Anyone who lives in the spirit will see every promise of God in the spirit realm and get satisfied, resting assured that their offspring will inherit them.


Some of God’s promises have already been fulfilled but you cannot see them because you want tangible things that you can touch and feel.  God is not a man that He could lie, there are promises in your life that He has already fulfilled, however, you need to tap in the spirit in order to see them.  And physically they will manifest in your descendants.


There are people who are blessed with wealth, whatever they touch, turns to gold.  I am not talking about fraudsters, thieves and occults etc.  I am talking about people that live a normal life, not too educated with prestigious job titles or inheritance.  They actually confess, they don’t know how it happened but God has granted them the grace and you find that they are not even that devoted to God but church goers who don’t even engage in other habits that unbelievers engage in.

If you can trace back at their background, you will find that in their bloodline, there once lived a wise man/woman who feared God, he/she would spend nights and early hours of the morning praying and pouring his/her heart and interceding to God for his/her descendants. 

In a state of poverty and lack, sought God through righteous walk on earth and found Him during his/her days in the land of the living and the covenant of unfailing love was established for the family, and God granted the entire family grace and favor which did not manifest in his/her life and he/she earnestly prayed till the very last breath.  God rewarded him/her to the third and fourth generation. 


Note this#

A wise man/woman raises a child under God’s command, he/she never says, “what will I do if the child doesn’t want to go to church.”  The issue of tagging a child along to church is not supposed to be negotiated in all believers’ households.  In fact there should be a rule in all churches to regulate that. 

Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me, do not hinder them for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

The first lesson at home should be about God. 

From earnest prayers of the wise, a covenant may be established for the entire family, blessings released above.  To await the appointed time to manifest.  If the child was introduced and raised in the way of God, even if the wise man/woman may change address, the child will be able to maintain the chain of blessings and grace to other generations repeating what she/he was taught passing over to his/her children with the chain of God’s covenant going on and on.


Life is in 2 ways:

1.       You are either walking over a curse that was formed for the entire generation by someone who lived before who was stupid enough to provoke God to anger by living unrighteous and rebellious before God.

2.       It could be you are walking over a blessing which began with someone wise in the family who lived ages before you and received favor from God.

In order to know the root cause of your suffering,  Dig Deeper into your family’s life or history.   Trace back all the details of your family from both parental sides, your mother’s house and your father’s house.  A curse inherited from your mother’s house may be quick to manifest and easy to break.  However, a curse originating from the father’s side may take a while to manifest and very hard to break.


Note this:

The evil one being a master deception, and he knows things in the spirit, before he draws closer to you, he will do a search about your family and check what promise is there in the family, do you have any greatness in your bloodline.  And use that information to trick you to fall to his trap.

The prayers awaiting manifestation are there in the spirit, the evil one will know and promise you the wealth which is already there for your family as answers to the earnest prayers made 100s of years ago awaiting appointed time.  He will manipulate and deceive you into a covenant with him, just so when the manifestation of your blessing comes, you think it is because of the evil covenant that you just entered into.  In actual fact, you have sold all the blessings of the family to darkness.

Don’t be fooled satan has got nothing in this world and on heaven above, the fork people say he has, it’s a lie, the hell itself that he brags so much off, does not belong to him, it’s in fact the stolen heaven and he will burn in it with all his servants that he has deceived they all the woods of that hell.

Anyone who confesses to go to darkness for riches and indeed receive them, lies of the devil,  then they kill innocent people as sacrifice to darkness that has not done anything for them.  The manifestation of the wise man/woman’s prayer sold to darkness and glory is stolen from God to the evil fool.


If the evil one had any riches, why are witches and wizards so poor?

Even criminals, there are classes of criminals some fall under the rich class and some under the poor, why?

People go to darkness in search of wealth, but some don’t even have it in their spirits and so they remain poor and even get more poor until they die. 

The 3 fold mission statement of the enemy will never change, it will always be, to steal, to kill and to destroy you whether you serve him or not. 

Joining darkness you break the covenant of God for the entire family’s generations to come and begin a curse until another wise man or woman is born in the family, and break the curse you have started. 

It takes a sober Christian to understand these things, child of God I urge you, always be sober minded to deal with the tricks of the evil one.

To close, we took our scripture reference from Genesis 15:5-6

·         God promised Abraham a land flowing with honey and milk.

·         Abraham was already living the land which God was talking about though he was living there as foreigner at that time, but God wanted him to possess it as his own inheritance.

·         In order for the established covenant of God to be fulfilled, there is hardship along the way, it takes endurance.

·         Jacob went to Egypt to escape the famine from the land of Canaan and settled in Egypt as his son Joseph had been promoted to governor’s position in Egypt and it was the only source of food supply then.

·         After Joseph’s death the children of Israel became slaves and multiplied under slavery.

·         However, God knew the whole plan was for them to return to the land and possess it with his mighty hand over them.

Luke 5:4 “When He had finished speaking He said to Simone, “Put out into the deepwater and let down the nets for a catch.”

Go right back to your family’s history and do a thorough search,(fish do not swim around on the surface, but at the bottom).  The whole time the Israelites were in slavery, they cared to know what God had said to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and held on to that promise hoping and believing that one day it will be fulfilled.  Take some time out and care to search deeper regarding the relationship your forefathers had with God so you may better understand your challenges.

1.       Were they friends with God?

2.       How did they walk before God?

3.       Was God pleased with them during their time in the land of the living?

The answer to these questions will enable you to have an idea of what kind of a covenant was established before you.

If God was please with them, you will know to pray for the manifestation of the blessing they left for the generations to come including yours.

If not, you will know you need to do prayers of mercy, repentance and also break the generational curse (you will need to engage this with warfare prayers in high spirit as it won’t be easy).  This also includes undergoing family deliverance conducted by a deliverance minister.




Jacob left Canaan to Egypt not because of the famine which he thought he was escaping:

·         Because the time for him to possess the land had not yet come.

·         Because he had to establish the covenant of unfailing love with God in the wilderness.

·         Because God had to teach the Israelites to endure hardships of slavery in Egypt and dryness in the wilderness.

·         Because God had to demonstrate His great Power to the Israelite and to all the people of the land.

·         I am saying, all the situations that have been reasons for your removal from where you were, are not actual reasons, but the time for you to permanently possess the land had not come.

1.       Situations have come, businesses closed down and jobs were lost.

2.       Situations have come and marriages destroyed and sabotaged, some were already built and some were just beginning and some were being planned,

3.       Projects were left incomplete, properties repossessed

4.       Doors were closed mysteriously

5.       Offices closed doors, you became jobless at home.

6.       Today God is restoring everything, wherever you may be, God is restoring and restructuring your live right now, I declare in Jesus’ name.

7.       Stop focusing on the situation that came as a reason for the loss you experienced, it was not God’s time by then.

8.       Everything that was planned for you by God, and you have lost it, it will return to you by fire and by force.

9.       God is restoring your marriage, your job, your business, your finances, your career, all areas of your life, God is restoring them now 7 fold, 10000 folds, in the name of Jesus Christ.

10.   Your restoration has come

11.   All closed doors are being opened 10 thousand fold in the name of Jesus Christ.

12.   Marriages shall be restored, jobs shall be restored, businesses shall be restored, projects shall be restored, 10000 folds in Jesus’ name.

13.   The door you exited through, when you come back, all the walls shall fall down after the ojrder of Jericho, in Jesus’ name.

14.   The office, the business you closed down, will be reopened 10000 much better than before, in Jesus’ name.

15.   The property that was repossessed had a brick walls, it will come with walls of glasses, in Jesus’ name.

16.   You were unfairly dismissed and will regain your job whether in another company 10000 times better than the previous, in Jesus’ name.

Declare it in Jesus’ name whatever you want to see…………….

17.   There are doors you exited with pain, on your return they will fall down, in Jesus’ name.

18.   The rivers you crossed with a boat when you left, on your return, they will separate like the river Jordan.

19.   You left with your family, on your return, you will be a nation comprising of 12 tribes in Jesus’ name.

20.   The waters of the Red Sea knows the Great Power of God who walked with the Israelites, I declare your enemies will also know the power of God that walks before you, in Jesus’ mighty name.


1.       Heavenly Father, thank You for opening my mind regarding Your plan for my life.

2.       Help me Oh Lord reveal to me how my forefathers walked before You, in Jesus’ name.

3.       Any animosity made I my bloodline and is now affecting me, have mercy on me Oh God, in Jesus’ name.

4.       Father God, let every curse I inherited from my father’s house and my mother’s house be broken by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

5.       Father God, my father’s house and my father’s house did not acknowledge you, but I seek You Lord my God, establish Your covenant with me, in Jesus’ name.

6.       Lord my God, do not reject me, I pray, I dedicate myself, my descendants and my family to Your throne  of righteousness, in Jesus’ name.

7.       Lord of Mercy, for a long time I thought You despised me, but now I know You were displeased with my ways, from my forefathers to date.

8.       Therefore I remove the garment of rags which I wore and I put on the garment of Christ, in Jesus’ name.   




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