Your Number One Enemy

Your Number 1 Enemy
Judges 14:6
Who Killed Samson?
1.  Delilah.
2.  Philistines
The answer is neither one of the above.
Philistines were Samson's enemies, Delilah was his closest enemy but the most biggest and dangerous enemy that Samson had was himself.
Samson had been given the mighty power and strength which was out of this world.  He became his own enemy from the "word-go", by falling in love with the girl of the nations, a Philistine, remember God had long warned us about intermarriages from the onset.
Since her beauty had deceived him, he rejected the counsel of his parents and continued to marry her.  On his way to Timah Samson decided to go into the bush leaving his parents (Manoah and his wife) on the path, in which instance he found himself faced with a young lion.  However, the Spirit of God fell upon him and he tore it apart with his bare hands with no struggle and returned to his parents keeping it within himself.
The girl of the nations which he so dearly loved turned against him when she was threatened by the men whom Samson had given the assignment to solve a riddle within 7 days which only he knew the answer to.  The riddle was like this, " Out of the one who eats came out something to eat; out of the strong came something sweet."
She nagged him for the answer until he told her what it means and she alarmed the men, Samson got furious and killed 30 Philistine's so he could pay the men with fine linen for solving the riddle and he left the girl who was later given to marriage to his best man.
When Samson again wanted to go into his wife, who had betrayed him, he discovered what her father had done, he refused to be compensated with his wife's younger sister.
He personally caught 300 foxes, tied them in pairs with blazing torches on their tails and used them to burn down all grain fields, vineyards, olives groves of the Philistines.  Then Philistines knowing about his marriage problems they executed the entire family of his wife including her and began to pursue him.
Now the Philistines were ruling over Israelites, so the army of the Israelites caught Samson from the cave he hid himself,  tied him with strong ropes and delivered him to the Philistines.  Again the Spirit of God fell upon him mightily, he snapped the ropes, picked up a jaw bone of a donkey and killed 1000 armed Philistine warriors alone.
Samson knew he was a number one enemy of the Philistines, but he still decided to go into Gaza to spend a night with a prostitute.  The Philistines heard about it and surrounded him with the aim to capture him at dawn, again the Spirit of God came upon him, at midnight he removed the entire gate of the town with its pillars and frame, took it upon his shoulder and left it on the hilltop of Hebron far from the town.
Like a blind man falling into a ditch, Samson personally walked into the lions dan by falling on Delilah's lap because of following the desires of the flesh.
He ignored all signs of possible danger, as Delilah tried several times to use the false information he had given her regarding the unusual strength he had.  Every time he would wake up and break the ropes she had tied him with.
Until he got enticed told her his secret of 7 dreadlocks and slept on her lap, Delilah shaved his hair, he got weak and was  captured.
Samson, with that kind of strength no animal and no one could kill him, had he not sold himself up to dishonest women, his life would have been much different, he would have fought other battles instead.  He would have died differently.
A man may have all enemies but his biggest and greatest enemy is himself.
If you go into the company of the ungodly, you expose yourself to danger, remember a sheep does not mix with wolves for they will tare it apart.  The light has no agreement with darkness.  The wrong decisions that you personally make with your life will kill you instead of your enemies.
Those drugs you pay money for, will kill you not your enemies, that sinful life you personally choose to live will kill you not your enemies.
The problems you decide to worry about instead of handing them over to God, they will kill you slowly.

1. Seek the face of the Lord
2. Dedicate your life to Christ
3. Repent and forsake your sins
4. Live a holy life.
5. Be a friend of Jesus
6. Go for deliverance

By Evangelist GM Mbalane 


  1. Sometimes we need to go God asked him to give us to discerning spirit, we going astray because we are spiritual blind.


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