Drive Them Out

Drive Them Out

Judges 2:1-3" The angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said to the Israelites, I brought you out of Egypt into this land that I swore to give your ancestors, and I said I would never break my covenant with you.  For your part, you were not to make any covenant with the people living in this land;instead you were to destroy their altars but you disobeyed my command.  So now I declare I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you."

When God told the Israelites under Joshua's guidance to go and possess the land of Canaan:-
1. Judah failed to drive out Canaanites and other nations who lived in the plains, they drove iron chariots.
2. Caleb successfully drove them out of the town of Hebron.
3. Benjamin failed to drive the Jebusites out of Jerusalem to date they are there.
4. Descendants of Joseph succeeded to clear the town of Bethel, they applied wisdom, well-planned the attack and found someone in the land who betrayed the Canaanites.
5. The tribe of Manasseh failed to drive out people from Beth-sham, Taanach, Dor, Ibleam, Megido and surroundings but they later forced them to work as their slaves instead of driving them completely out.
6. The tribes of Ephraim, Zebulun, Asher and Naphtali failed to drive nations out, instead they moved in with them.
7. The tribe of Dan was defeated by the Amorites and forced to retreat, until the descendants of Joseph gained strength and enslaved the Amorites in the land.

How many times have you decided to go against God by simply refusing to be separated from the things of darkness or from all the things that attract darkness to your life?
When God intervenes in your life, your part is to:-
-open your heart
-release what is not of God in your possession
-stand firm until you see the salvation of the Lord, and maintain your deliverance by reading the bible, prayer, living a holy life.
Yours is to resist what is not of God, temptations.
Your part is to utterly destroy any connection linking you with darkness eg. lifestyle, clothing, tradition, sinful life, habits, food types (forbidden foods), people you keep company of.  
Forbidden foods, Judges 13:4," So becareful you must not drink wine or any alcoholic drink nor eat any forbidden food." Manoah's wife was going to be pregnant with a very special child, who would be full of the Spirit of the Lord.  There is something special to be born in your life, but it is being delayed by your resistance to cleanness, and the will of God is being destructed.

Disobedience closes one's heavens above the head, it hinders one's deliverance from certain afflictions.
You will wonder why your deliverance prolongs, you have resisted total change in your life.
Accepting salvation but still to remain 1 foot in darkness can compound one's problems.
Failure to do a thorough confession together with keeping secrets may result in a very dangerous cocktail in a Christian's life.
When the devil uses a person, he exults himself to high authority(king) in the life of that person until the person exposes him, then he gets defeated and falls down from the throne. 
Luke 10:18,"I saw satan falling from the sky".  Says Jesus to His desciples when they brought a report from the assignment they had successfully carried out in which devil was exposed and cast out of people, sicknesses were healed, the blind gained sight, the leprotic were cleansed etc.

Those little lies and deception cause an unmeasurable demage and destruction in a Christian's life.  Those empty promises you often make and take it lightly when you fail to keep, have a huge impact in the life in the spirit, hence they form blockages in your life and the people you doing it to.
That unforgiving heart, that easily yielding policy to traditional healers, quick to anger, careless talk, all those are blockages in one's life.

Then God says, "I will not remove them so they will be thorns in your sides and their gods will be a constant temptation to you."

Those evil spirits as long as they are in your life, your life will be miserable, with constant battles, rise and falls, limitation in progress, afflictions and sicknesses.
The owner of all those evil loads will always come into your life to cause trouble because your life is made of what belongs to him.
To whom do anger, hatred, jealousy, unforgiveness, theft, lies, adultery, formication, idolatry, gossip, witchcraft, ancestral circles, disbelief, fear, disappointment, rejection, all evil spirits and evil covenants belong?
They belong satan, these give him the authority to come and go as he pleases in your life.
All these give him a right to claim you as his own.
Jesus wants to promote you(deliver you), the satan comes to him and say, " no this person will not move from here until he/she releases what belongs to me."(blockages).
The Spirit of God does not share with demons so He will leave you entirely to your king.
Make a decision today and cry to God your Father in heaven to have mercy on you and remember you just once more like He remembered Sampson and gave him victory over the Philistines though his eyes had been removed and this time make sure you know what you want with your life.

1. Do you ever give yourself time to ask God about His Will for your life?
2. Do you ever care to seek the face of God?
3. Do you ever care to humble yourself before God by means of fasting and prayer of confession out of a clear blue sky?

1. Rededicate your life to Christ.
2. Repent and forsake all known and unknown sins.(Psalm 51)
3. Begin the grace of reading a bible.
4. Live a holy life.


1. I separate myself from anything that hinders my deliverance, in the name if Jesus Christ.
2. I separate myself from any innovations of darkness,in Jesus' name.
3. Blood of Jesus, separate me from all evil covenants, in Jesus' name.
4. Fire of God, destroy any evil attachments against my progress, in Jesus' name.
5. Lord my Father, by Your mercy, unplug me from the socket of backwardness, limitation and stagnation, in Jesus' name.
6. Spirit of the living God, separate me for the good works of the Lord in Jesus' name.
7. By FIRE, I renounce you devil, you are a liar, in Jesus' name.
8. By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, devil you are defeated.
8. By the authority in Revelations 12:11, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony, devil you are defeated, in Jesus Christ's name.

By Evangelist GM Mbalane 


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