Stop Mocking Jesus


Matthew 27:27-31 "Some of the governor's soldiers took Jesus into their headquarters and called out the entire regiment.  They stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him.  They wove thorn branches into a crown and put it onto His head.  They placed a reed stick in His right hand as a scepter.  Then they knelt before Him in mockery and taunted, " Hail King of the Jews!". They spit on Jesus Christ, they grabbed the stick in His right hand and struck Him on the head with it.  When they were finally tired of mocking Him they took off the robe and put  His own clothes on Him again.  They led Him to be crucified.  
Child of God, I tell you in this hour of the morning those soldiers are still out there in churches mocking Jesus.  They dress up well, wear sweet smiles, call themselves children of God, born again, but their works are contrary to what they pretend to be.  They say "Jesus is King" but don't really mean it, their hearts are full of bitterness, hatred, blasphemy, jealousy, pride, anger, disbelief, unforgiveness, etc.  Those are luciferians.  If a child of God avails himself or herself to be used by the enemy to destroy the church of Christ, the people of God like those soldiers, that person does not belong to a Christian community but to darkness(luciferian). 
If you study the bible well you will notice that it is not Gentiles who killed Jesus but other Christians, priests and elders held a meeting at a high priest house by the name of Caiaphas (Matt.26:3). 
Those were people in the church whom Jesus was sent to come and set free instead they opposed Him from day 1 of His ministry to death.  Children of God, unfortunately there is always a mix up in the house of God, there's a generation of Pharisees and Seducees and a generation of the apostles, even the generation of Pharisees claim to be descendants of Abraham, but their works are of the evil one, so who is their father then? Their father is satan, (Matt.23:32-33) " Go ahead and finish what your ancestors started, You snakes! Sons of vipers!  How will you escape judgement of hell?

Here Jesus was not rebuking any evil spirits but high in authority members of the church that call themselves Christians, in fact Jesus spent His entire life under a close microscope and threats of the church itself, because the church had availed itself to be tools of the evil one to destroy the Son of God.

Child of God are you not the biggest enemy of the children of God inside the church, are you praying with them or preying on them?
If you betray anyone you have betrayed Him, whatever you do to children of God you must be sure from now on you have done it to Jesus Christ Himself.
"Stop Mocking Jesus" pray for salvation and rededicate yourself to God, always pray that you do not give into sin, for I tell you your reward is far greater, Jesus says (Matt.26:24)"But how terrible it will be for the one who betrays Him, it would be far better for that person if he had never been born.". Whoever has ears must listen, it is a call out to all children of God to do introspection and decide whether you "Repent Or Perish ."

1. Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I hand myself over onto Your throne, of mercy, of forgiveness, and throne of righteousness,
2. Father, I hand over my heart of a stone to You, may You remove every dirt and contamination and make it pure by the blood of the lamb, in Jesus' name.
3. Father forgive me for mocking at Jesus Christ who died for my sins, in Jesus name
4. Lord Jesus, I approach Your throne of grace in total surrender of my life, I repent before You, may your loving kindness fall upon me in Your holy name.
5. Son of David, have mercy on me, I have mocked  You unknowingly, now that I do, I humble myself before You and I ask for forgiveness for my foolishness, in Your holy name.
6. Lord Jesus, have mercy on me and teach me to love and respect others, in Your holy name.
7. Lord Jesus, locate me in Your mercy and show me the way You want me to live, in purity and righteousness, in Your holy name.

By Evangelist GM Mbalane 


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