Daniel  9:3

After learning from reading the word of God as it had been revealed to Prophet Jeremiah earlier that Jerusalem had to lie desolate for seventy years.  Daniel turned to God and begged for mercy in prayer and fasting.  He also wore burlaps and sprinkled himself with ashes which served as a sign for the sacrifice of a broken spirit.  If we look at Daniel’s prayer, he confessed the sins of his nation, the sins of his forefathers.  His prayer is full of humbleness and humility.  And we know from the teachings that God gives grace to humble.

At this attitude God indeed sent the angel to explain to Daniel the meaning the vision which was troubling him to the point of lying even sick for several days.  

Has it ever occurred to us that when things go wrong, we humble ourselves before God and confess our sins?  

Or we always go about without acknowledging our sins?  In actual fact as humans we sin all the time unknowingly or even knowingly, confession of those sins should the order of the day.  But no, we keep going on ignoring them as if nothing has happened.  Before we know it, ruin overtakes us and still we want God to restore us.  Daniel stood in the gap for his nation as they were in captivity, desolation of Jerusalem had not come by as a result of Daniel’s sins but he also suffered with the rest of them. 

I want to believe that had it been you and I, we would spend days and nights blaming each other or looking for someone else to blame and even developing our own conspiracy theories on the situation which wouldn’t take us anywhere.  Like for instance, as we are battling with this pandemic, there have risen many reasons why and how this came into being, but the reality is that had God been happy with us, we wouldn’t be in this state right now.  Proverbs 16:7 “When people’s lives please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them”.

Child of God, do not allow your mind to be filled with conspiracy theories, times like these were foretold, all that we need to do is to turn to God with all our hearts.

2 Chronicles 8:14 “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land”.  God’s mercies are new every morning, it is up to us to humble ourselves and be forgiven or continue with pride carrying on with life as usual as if nothing has happened and be doomed.

It calls for us as His people who are called by His name to withdraw from our normal life styles and pray more to God.  It would do us good to develop a lifestyle of praying at least 3 times a day, begging God for forgiveness of our sins.  

Children of God, our Father in heaven has declared 2021 a year of restoration and revival, and God is not a human being that He would lie and He is a not a man that He would change His mind.  If we pray as we have been directed to, even the fear that has its grips over the whole world so much will suddenly disappear.


Worship and Praise 

Rededicate yourself to Christ


Read Psalm 51 and Daniel 9

Pray confessing: 

own sins

sins of forefathers

sins of the nation

sins of the world 

Prayer to be done 3 times a day





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