Know Your Worth

 *Know your Worth*

*Pastor Marylin*(His Will Worship Centre)

*Sunday 24 January 2021*

Key Scriptures: Matthew 6:26 - Genesis 1:26-27 - Luke 12:6-7 - Isaiah 49:15-16 – Matthew 10:29-31

You and I are precious in God's sight. One way to overcome the snares of the evil one is to walk the path of faith knowing and believing that we are precious in God's sight. If you take that and believe it, then when hard times come we will not interpret them to mean that our God has left us. We shall see it as stepping stones to another level. You and I are precious in God’s sight. You and I should walk the path of faith knowing our worth in God’s sight. Human beings are precious in the sight of God. Everything concerning us is important to Him. Our coming here to this earth, and our stay in this earth are important to God. He will never leave us or forsake us. 

He brought us to this earth for a purpose. Our staying here in this earth is also important to Him. Even our departure, I mean when we are called home on our last day here on earth is also important to God. Some of us may interpret our departure, or our being called home as something to indicate that we are worthless, or we have done something wrong to God. Our departure from this earth and everything concerning us is important to God including our departure. Psalm 116 says; “Precious in the sight of God is the death of His saints.” Which means even when we depart from this earth we are still protected. 

Now when we journey the path of faith and life knowing that we are precious in God’s sight, we become stable and we are able to overcome the snares of the evil one. The evil one puts snares everywhere in order to hook us and bring us in his evil kingdom. When we walk the path of faith with the right knowledge, we are able to overcome his snares. We don’t interpret hard times to mean that our God doesn’t care about us, but interpret them to mean that we are being taken to another level even though it may not be God who brought them. 

Jesus was addressing the crowd in Matthew 6:26 that had gathered around Him on that day by the mountain side. I believe the people of that time where facing challenges just like us and they were anxious. It is common for human beings to be anxious when we are facing challenges of life. It is common for human beings to be anxious when things are not going well in life. Jesus the good shepherd is helping us to overcome anxiety so that we may be able to walk the path of faith without disturbances. He is showing us how valuable we are before God, because when we know that we are valuable before God we become strong and we gain courage to move forward in the midst of all the challenges that we come across as human beings. 

In order to help us gain a better understanding of our worth; Jesus gave us an example of tiny birds which do not seem to add value in this life. Just look at a bird and a human being and see the difference in size. He took something as small as a bird, something that does not add value in this life in order to show us how valuable we are before God. He said; “look at the birds, they do not plant or harvest. They do not store in barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than to Him than them?”

If our Father takes care of something which to us does not seem to add value in this life, how much more with us? How much will He take care of you and I? The Father cares for all His creation. You and I, and the rest of the human race have a special place in His heart. We are more valuable to Him than all that He created and placed on the earth. We are of great value to God, we are precious to Him. Challenges of life should not be interpreted to mean we are valueless to God. How do we know we are more valuable to God? How do we know that we are worth more than the birds and the fish and everything that crawls on the ground? We get our worth from Genesis 1, where an account of the creation has been recorded.

In the beginning God created the animals; the birds, the fish and all that moves along the ground according to their own kind. All that we see here on earth was created by God according to their own kind. When it came to the human being He created us differently. That should show you and I that we have more worth than all the other things. Genesis 1:26 proves to us our worth in God’s sight. It shows us that we are more valuable to Him than all the fish, birds, animals, and all that crawls along the ground. These birds, fish, and crawling things were not created in the image of God. It is you and I and the entire human race who were created in the image of God.

If God cares about all these other things which He did not create in His own image, what about you and I? What is the value of us who were created in His own image? In times of trouble remember this and be encouraged and not give up. You are much more valuable to God. I am much more valuable to God. In times of trouble, I must remember this. This must give me courage to move on and not give up. When the very people who were created in His own image where separated from Him eternally because of the sin of Adam and Eve; God went as far as sending His Son to this earth to come and redeem us because of that value. 

If we were worthless, He was going to leave it just like that. We were going to be eternally condemned, but because we are so valuable He sent His Son even though we had done something wrong that separated us from Him. He sent His only Son to come and redeem us so that we can go back to Him. Know your worth and be encouraged and continue on the path of faith and don’t give up. God has given us dominion to rule over what He created here on earth. To which of God’s creation did He give that authority to rule? It is you and I. That should show us that we are much more valuable to Him than all the birds, fish, and the rest of what he created. 

If I am much more valuable to God, surely He cares about me. I should not interpret whatever challenge, or suffering I might face on this earth to mean something else. You and I are more valuable to God. We have been given authority to dominate and rule the rest of God’s creation that was created and placed here on earth. Although we sometimes export our God given authority in our quest to achieve certain things, and we end up interfering with the smooth running of this earth. That does not take away the authority that God has given us. That does not take away the value that God has placed in us. We are still more valuable to Him than all these other things. 

Journey the path of faith with that knowledge that you are precious in God’s sight. Journey the path of faith and of life believing that you are precious in God’s sight. Believing that challenges of life do not describe who you are before God. Challenges of life like what we are going through at the present moment do not describe who we are before God. Know your worth and be encouraged.

Jesus is encouraging us using an example of a bird in Luke 12:6-7. This time He chose a sparrow. A small bird. Sparrows where valueless to the point that five were sold for two pennies. Do you see how valueless they were in Jesus time? Valueless as they were Jesus said that not one of them is forgotten by God. Jesus is encouraging us His children by saying if your father and mother don’t forget something of less value than a sparrow, how about you and I? God can never forget us. We should not interpret the present moment to mean that God has forgotten us. We know that it has been long and we have been praying asking Him to deliver us. Praying using one prayer point asking Him to deliver us.

The evil one may ride on this and show us something which is not true. He might say that, “you are not of any value to God, why is he allowing you to go through this?” Children of God, everything concerning our lives, our coming to this earth, our stay on this earth, and even our departure as we are called home is important in God’s sight. God cares for us even to the smallest detail of our lives. Jesus said that even our very hairs on our heads are all numbered. If God can take the time to number our hair that falls of when combed, surely you and I should see that there is great value in us. We are precious in God’s sight. Be encouraged and continue on this path of faith. We are of greater worth in God’s sight.

God our Father can never forget us. That will never happen. Though your mother and my mother can forget us for some reason. God says that He will never forget us. The word of God says a mother can never forget a baby at her breast, but if for some reason she might happen to forget her baby, God says He can never forget us. We have been engraved on the palms of His hands. To which of God’s creations did God say I have engraved you on the pals of my hands? It is only you and I. That is to show our worth in His sight. We are so valuable that He engraved us on the palms of His hands. The present circumstances do not mean that God has forgotten us. Know your work and continue in the path of faith. Relief will come. God says that He has compassion on us. Relief will surely come at God’s time, ours is to continue to pray. Ours is to continue and encourage one another and pray and present our requests before Him. 

Relief will come at God’s time; restoration will come at God’s time. Let us be encouraged. Jesus used yet another example of a sparrow because they were of less value during those days. They are so small that they appear to be valueless. Sparrows where valueless at the time Jesus was on earth, even in our time we do not attach much value to them. They fly past and we do not even notice them. Jesus is giving us an example using something that is of less value. He said do they not go for a penny, because there was no value in them. 

Valueless as they are, Jesus said that not one of them can fall to the ground without the Father’s consent and notice. Children of God; valueless as the sparrows are when they fall to the ground on the day its life ends and it falls to the ground, it does not just happen. It is known to God. It is for that reason that the word of God said, “Precious in the sight of God is the death of His saint.” We are so precious to Him that our coming, when He brought us here on earth is important to Him. Our stay here on earth and everything that goes on in our lives here on earth is important to Him. Including what many of us fear most, which is being called home. Many people like to come to this to come to this earth although it was not decided by ourselves but we like it. We also like our stay here on earth, but when it comes to our departure or being called home when the Father says well done my child come back home and rest many of us cannot stand that.

I thank God that He did not tell us when He will call us home. Otherwise when that day approaches we were going to run for our lives. We were not going to live well on this earth. Jesus is saying even something of little value like a sparrow, the day it falls to the ground will never happen without the Father’s notice. How about you and I who have been made in His own image? We can never depart from this earth without the Father’s notice. Actually when we depart it is because He has called us home. Though I am not preaching that we must rejoice when we are called home, on the day we are called home that day does not just happen. It is known by God. 

We are so valuable before God that every aspect of our being our coming, our stay, and our departure is known before God. Know your worth and you shall walk the path of faith with ease. With no fear at all. You will know that wherever you are, your Father is there, and the Father knows that His child is at this and this place. We are much more valuable than many sparrows. That is what Jesus said in His word. Know your worth and you shall be firm and not allow circumstances to move you. I must know my worth before God and I will not allow circumstances to move me because circumstances can mean a number of things in our lives. When the evil one is behind it, he can make us see them as something that means that God does not care about us, and that God has forgotten us. 

When we know our worth we shall see circumstances as stepping stones to another level. When the circumstances that are troubling us are gone you and I will find that our faith has been strengthened and we have moved to another level. Know your faith and you shall gain courage and continue on the path of faith even in hard times. Hard times or good times we should know our worth in God’s sight and continue so that we may reach where God has prepared for us – eternal life. 

Help one another from the word of God. When you see somebody getting tired don’t leave them and move forward carry them. Use the word of God. There is power in the word of God. Show them the value they have in God’s sight. Encourage one another so that we may all reach eternal life. We have started on this path of faith we must all reach the end and receive the crown which God has prepared for us.


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