God Is Never Mistaken 

Judges 3:1-5

These are the nations the Lord left to testq all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (he did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience): the fiver rulers of the Philistines,s all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivitest living in the Lebanon mountains from Mount Baal Hermonu to Lebo Hamath.v They were left to testw the Israelites to see whether they would obey the Lord’s commands, which he had given their ancestors through Moses.

The Israelites livedx among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites,y Hivites and Jebusites.

I humbly greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Today I want to tell you that your life is not a mistake, whatever that is happening in your life is not a mistake it may happen that you made a mistake that landed you in that situation but one thing for sure, that mistake was known before hand by our Father in heaven.  How you come out of that situation is also known by our God.  It could be through repentance, it could be through forgiveness, it could be through God's intervention through deliverance, it could be through rededicating yourself to God.  

By the leading of the Holy Spirit today, we shall look at the book of Judges 3:1-5.  He we find that God had had His own reasons of leaving those wicked nations in the land.

Reason 1- God had left the nations in the land of Canaan just so He could teach the generations of Israel who had not experienced the warfare.

Reason 2- God wanted to test the Israelites if they would obey the command that He had given to His servant Moses in the wilderness.  (Please remember that in the old testament there was a constant battle between Israel and those nations but today we use the word nations in a spiritual context and not physical).

Commands: Deuteronomy 7:1-3

 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.[a] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 

God had given the instruction to Moses to totally destroy all the nations, neither to make treaties with them nor to intermarry with them.

But we find that the Israelites soon forgot that instruction of God and did exactly as told not to do.  God had kept those nations for a purpose of testing His people and for the purpose of teaching their generations a warfare not to befriend them.  

There are many things we see before us believe me they are not there by mistake, God knows they will tempt us but He wants to prove that we will adhere to His commands regardless of them.  I assure you mostly the things used to tempt a child of God are indeed beautiful from a distance but one thing for sure they are weapons of destruction.

When you confess Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, you will silence every voice that is raised against you, these are benefits of the servants of the Lord and their vindication will come from me I the Lord have spoken.  Those weapons are not always going to appear as weapons but they will appear as gifts, money, fancy lifestyle, marriage, job etc.  Satan showed Jesus cities made in gold yet he doesn't have even a 1 room house, it is all a fake.  

I want to believe that these nations were carefully selected by God due to a variety of factors, the women were irresistibly beautiful, their men well-built, gigantic and masculine.

The bible quotes intermarriages, in this we also learn that a marriage is one of the most dangerous weapons the enemy uses against the children of God.  I know a lot of children of God who left the path of Christian faith after marrying unbelievers(intermarriages).  A marriage is the order of God when done in the correct way, to them those marriages appeared as good to them however they didn't foresee the danger of entering into it for wrong reasons and incorrectly.  Child of God, it is possible to do a right thing in a wrong or forbidden way thus defeating the purpose of doing it.  Those children of God were targeted by the enemy wit the intention to turn them away from God.  The issue of intermarriages is still a big spiritual concern to date, there are marriages which are an abomination to God, cursed marriages, if you marry a wrong partner you will be stuck in a wrong marriage and have wrong children, children of Cain, but that is a story of another day when God permits.

It is possible to do a wrong thing while trying to do the right the moment you yield from the command of God.  Child of God, things may look alike and still not be the same.   

Proverbs 16:25

There is a way before every person that seems right but in the end it leads to death.  

That is what King Solomon said during his reign in Israel.  To conclude, very often we lose the way thinking we are still on the right path.  The reason why is that we tend to look at life in the physical context and never engage in the spirit.  Very often that which is beautiful in the eyes of men are destructive in the spirit.  We know from what is written in the bible that those nations were wicked before God but He decided to keep them in the land so in other words they could be a thorn in the flesh to Israel but Israel chose to befriend them because of the beauty women of those nations possessed they took them as wives, Israel women found men of the nations to be attractive in their gigantic and masculine structures so they intermarried with them, they buddied them because of their lifestyle which seemed good to the Israelites.  So they disobeyed God in which case the outcome was disastrous as the bible says the anger of God burned upon them.  

Child of God those nations were not kept in the land for entertainment, to date there are spiritual nations amongst us as children of God, we should never at any point allow ourselves to be amused by their beauty and fancy lifestyle in order to keep safe.  It is however saddening to see children of God adopting cultures and lifestyle of these spiritual nations to the extent that they even bring these practices into the house of God.  Today the house of God is a place where women come to show off their expensive belongings, high heels, jewellery, expensive hairstyles, beauty and some even come half naked.  

Men also come in expensive suits, cars and jewellery the latest fashion trends are all very well followed in the house of God some even go as far as to hire expensive vehicles and sport cars for a church service, men come to dump their wives in churches today with interest in another young ladies, some even cheat in churches, fornication, divorce and adultery is rife in churches more than anywhere else.   Child of God the moment you become friends with the world and conform to the standard of this world, you will lose own path and leave your own original lifestyle as a child of God.

Are you still on the path of Christian faith?

Is righteousness still found in you?

Are you still living a pure life?

Are you still prayerful?

Are your still faithful?

Do you still fear God?

Do you still worship God with your heart?

Do you still give praise to God?

God knew that and told Moses to do away with all the nations and to deal with them without mercy because they would turn God's people against Him.

Church of Jesus Christ let us be warned of innovations of darkness, they come in a good looking package but highly hazardous.  I am not against good life for a child of God but it depends on how you describe good life.  If the description of good life to you is a fancy lifestyle, unnecessary expensive belongings, evil parties, sinful life then you might as well consider yourself a son/daughter of the evil one because you have passion for his innovations.  

Exodus 14:15

Then the Lord said to Moses, why are  you crying out to me?  Tell the people to to get moving!

In that situation which makes you cry out to God, He says keep moving, He knows He has made plans for you if you adhere to His command.  He will not share His plans with you all that you have to do is trust in Him and obey thus doing exactly as He commands.  If God could split the Reds Sea for the people who were going according to His instruction, what can prevent Him from changing your situation if you do as He says? 

God knows the challenges you are facing as His child, He knows you tempted everyday, God knows you are challenged through everyday but He says.  God calculates every step that you make, God knows the length of time it will take you to get to where He wants you to go, you can however delay yourself by doing your own thing along the way.  Before the Israelites there stood a roaring mighty sea and behind them a massive Egyptian army was pursuing them in chariots of steel.  Remember Egyptians were mighty in battle, numerous, heavily armed and ruthless by nature.  So the Israelites panicked and lost hope, turned and yelled at Moses but God new the huge problem that stood before them was their greatest solution to safety and the end of their most deadly enemy.   


"By the power of anointing, I speak unto you right now, and by the decree of the Almighty God, no matter the situation before you in the path you are walking with God, keep moving.  

By the anointing of the Holy Spirit I say unto you, God says stand up from where you have fallen and keep going, you have cried out unto Him, He knows you are fearful and weak, 

God says "move on my child I have stationed an angel in charge of your deliverance ahead of you and He has prepared the Red Sea to finish up your enemies."

God says His fury is burning upon your enemies and ready to devour them all.

God says the mighty wave has never been so ready before, move on the time for your deliverance has come.  

God says trust in Him, He is your Father, mountains may be erected against you but He will level them for the glory of His Holy name!!"  

That stubborn Pharoah pursuing you will never know what hit him, God is about to do turn the tables around for your sake and make a name for Himself, and it shall be known to all that you serve a true living God of Elijah who answers by fire, God says proceed as instructed He has calculated all your steps, what is about to do in your situation will send a panic to the camp of the enemy across the river, by the time you get there they will all tremble and fall before you, I declare by Exodus 14:13 that all these Egyptians you see today, you shall see them no more, in the name of Jesus Christ who reigns for ever with whom you shall reign in thousands years."

Prayer:(5 Sniper Prayer Bullets)

1. Heavenly Father, with Your mighty hand may You drive me and my family out of this land of slavery at any cost, in Jesus Christ's name.

2. My Father I totally depend on You for strength and courage to keep moving in times of hardship and distress in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Heavenly Father, You made a way in the wilderness for my forefathers in the past and divided the Red Sea for them to protect them from their enemies, May You make a way for me and my family today, in the name of Jesus.

4. Father God, may You station Your angel to meet me at the point of my need as I cry out to You for help, in Jesus' name.

5. My Father, I thank You for answering my prayer today.  I declare I have been rescued from the hands of the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ.  


Good children of God, please stay blessed, you can join His Will Worship Centre live service every Sunday at 11am(SA time) on New Nation Radio SA


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I love you all......



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