Proverbs 16:20
[20]Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, 
    and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.  

Be greeted in the name of Jesus Christ...
Trusting in the Lord is a blessing on its own, trusting in the Lord means total surrender.   Trusting in the Lord means dedication to the Lord.  Trusting in the Lord takes to come closer to the Lord.  You cannot trust in something you don't even know, so trusting in the Lord takes one to know the Lord first.  

The moment one gets to know the Lord it is when the great Power of God begins to manifest.  Our God is a Consuming fire.  Our God has no record of disappointment and Our God has no record of failure.  If He knows that you trust in Him, He will make sure that when you call on Him, He answers you immediately.  

Psalm 50:15 
Call on me in the day of trouble, I will rescue you and you will give me glory.   

This is a promise of God to us His children and His promises are amen and yes.  Which means all God's promises do not remain unfulfilled.  
I remember once in a vision when a voice said to me "when God says a word He goes before it" then I saw what was supposed to be a word from God as He said it, "it ran and something like a bullet pursued the word and overtook it" and landed before the word.
And I was told " this is the word of God, the bullet you see is the Authority and Power of God. It follows and overtakes the word".

Luke 1:37
[37]For no word from God will ever fail.”. This is because every word from God doesn't go alone but is accompanied by the great power and the authority of God.

Child of God, in this morning I wish to encourage everyone to trust in God, no matter what you see before you, no matter how gigantic these Canaanites are no matter how boastful your Goliath is, David counted the occassions where the Power of God manifested in his life and his faith in God stood taller than the most deadly Philistine.
David came out trusting not the stone not the sling or his accurancy but he trusted God for he had seen God  come out victorious in many occassions for him, he began to count, the Lord stood by me in a battle against the bear, the lion surely this time too he knew the great Power that was on his side though all there was before him was death according to our natural eyes because of the character of Goliath. David was in danger but in the spirit David saw victory beyond death.
Because He trusted in the Lord and lived by faith.

Trusting in the Lord speaks volumes, It counts where you put your trust in. We trust our wisdom, our highest level of education, our leaders, our partners , our families and ourselves, and end up disappointed but I tell you trust in the Lord in all seasons and you will never be put to shame.

Even this situation that you are facing right now, let God be your shield and rampart, in fact our biggest mistake is in failing to trust God with the little things like minor achievements that we get everyday and take the credit"I did it because I'm clever" instead of "thank You Jesus", with waking up every morning, passing at school, salaries to feed our families, Those are all God faithfulness, if you could look at these achievements as faithful promises of God we will be able to count what God has done for us.

This morning take sometime and count what God has done for you and you will know that He had done it before, you can rest assured He will do it again.

If you want to see the glory of God, you must believe and God will reveal it.  Jesus told Martha before raising up Lazarus from death.
John 11:40
[40]Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” 

Have a wonderful day and don't forget to listen to the :Revelations of Friday at 20:00 on New Nation Radio SA " The Reign of Fire FM"
So you may know what God says, because "God is still speaking."


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