1 John 4:1-3
[1]Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

(Deception spirit.)
We are in the last days, the end of times, if you have not yet seen the signs look again, all that the Bible says is right before our very eyes.  The incurable diseases and rising powers of the beast, today we are faced with the New World Order, something that we have heard of and many of us didn't believe it would happen.  False prophets are out and people have gone blind and turned away from God to follow false prophets because of the lack of discernment.  Let me tell you, false prophets will appear  like wolves in sheep's skins, their churches are similar to that of Christ and it's is so sad that 95% churches in SA are darkness churches that are submitting under the marine kingdom.  Without the Spirit of discernment people have sold their souls to two demons.

1. False prophets submit in marine kingdom under demon called "lavey"
2. False churches submit in marine kingdom under demon called "seraphin". Know one thing when in such churches you are serving satan while carrying the Bible of God, you are under illuminati and freemasons.

Ask Holy Spirit today to open your eyes, there are signs every where telling you the truth but you are either ignoring them or you don't know their meanings.  Let your pastor tell you about the revelations of God regarding the way you dress up, the way you sit even the way you walk speaks volumes, eg a woman with a catwalk that woman is possessed by the mermaid spirit a very dangerous spirit.

(Phantom spirit)
A man or woman with dreadlocks, that is another faith on its own contrary to Christianity(rastafarian/luciferian).  The difference between the angel and the phantom is that an angel has long beautiful hair and the phantom has dreads.

(Deliverance) 20% churches have the grace of healing and deliverance in SA.  The ministry of Jesus on earth was never without deliverance and healing, where ever he preached, he would heal the sick, give sight to the blind, cast out spirits.  So did the 12 Apostles after his promotion to glory.  Look around you, maybe you don't even believe in deliverance ministry.
It is not enough to gather on Sundays or whenever, just to sing, read the Bible and offer then dismissed!!!
What happened to the last sign that Jesus gave us in Mark 16:17-18.
These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe, in my name they cast out spirits, they will speak in new tongues, they will handle snakes with safety, when they drink anything poisonous it will not harm them,they will lay hands on people and they will be healed.  And Jesus departed into the clouds.

The issue of tongues then seems to be misinterpreted, tongues don't prove that one is better than the rest, people have gone to the extent to fluke tongues which is of course dangerous as much as speaking tongues is a high level of prayer but it only helps you alone unless there is an interpreter of tongues and a message can be delivered in tongues and interpreted.  Churches that preach tongues, "lies of the devil", false tongues is a language of slaves, anyone who speaks false tongues is simply requesting to be the devil's footstool that's what false tongues are meant for.  Child of God do not be deceived by the evil one.  Everything you see around you has a meaning, your presence in this group has a meaning, your existance has a meaning, there is reason why you didn't perish in your sins until you meant Jesus.   I would like to go on but I will continue some other time.
Be blessed beyond measure,
Shalomssdg !!!


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