Keep me as the apple of your eye
Pastor Marilyn
5July 2020

Deuteronomy 32:10
Psalm 17:6-8

Keep me as the apple of your eye. This is a prayer that every child of God can make. We can makes it when we are facing challenges in our lives, we can make it when all is well in our lives. That is when we are not facing any challenges in our lives, in this case the prayer will act as a preventative measure and not a plea for restoration.

Anyone going through difficulties in his life can pray like David did and find comfort from God.

In times of distress David prayed to God and said, Lord keep me as the apple of your eyes.
I want to believe that David took these words from the word of God spoken through Moses in Deut 32:10 and he repeated these words in a for of prayer asking God to protect him the same way the apple of the eye is presented.

We too want the same for ourselves. If we look at the structure of the eye we see that the eye is made up of several parts one of which is the apple which is normally referred to as the pupil  which is the black dot in the center of the eyelid.

Just by observation we can see that the apple is at the center of the eye and it is well protected.

Whenever harmful particles try to enter, the eyelids automatically close and keep unwanted elements outside.

There are also several layers surrounding the apple of the eye. In other words it is not easy to harm the apple because it is not easily accessible.

That is what David wanted for himself when he made that prayer saying keep me as the apple of your eye. He wanted all the protection that is given to the apple of the eye. He wanted to be just like the apple which is well protected.

And that is what we want for ourselves. Every child of God would love to have what David was given, we would love to be the apple of God’s eye. We want to be at the center of God’s s focus.

When we are the apple of God’s eye, which is at the center, meaning we would love to be at the center of God’s focus, just as the apple is at the center we want to be well protected and well provided for. We want to be out of reach and not easily accessible to all these harmful elements, and all these demonic forces that are flying around. These things that we cannot  even see but we know that they are harmful.

We want to be out of reach and not be easily accessible, we want to be protected and we want to be provided for by God. We want to be the center of God’s focus. That way we can stand boldly and say no weapon forged against us shall prosper for greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world. Everyone who is an apple of God’s eye can boldly say that.

95% of Deut 32 is a song which God gave to Moses to teach the Israelites. But we only read verse 10 where God was reminding them that He cared for them he protected them in a place which had no life. He protected them in a place which was dangerous. He was reminding that that they are just like an apple in His eye.

We all know that a desert is a barren and empty land, there is no food, there is no water, the land is unproductive, it is very hot and has dangerous elements.

But God shielded them all of those years. He cared and guarded them like the apple of His eye. He provided them with manna and water in that unproductive land. He provided protection from the dangerous elements of the desert until they reached the promise land.

All those many years while they were wandering the desert they were protected, they were the center of God’s focus. They were protected and cared for.

David must have read this and wanted it for himself. David was born many years later when the Israelites had arrived in Canaan. But  because the word of God was written down by Moses, David must have read the wondrous acts of the Lord and wanted that for himself. In hard times he prayed and said Lord keep me as the focus, keep me as the apple of your eye.

You too can make that prayer and say Lord I want to be the apple of your eye and God will do it.

We are not supposed to live fearfully when we know that we can be hidden just like the apple of the eye is hidden and well protected.

But it needs us to say it with our mouth, to show God that we do not have the power to protect ourselves. We do not have the power to provide for ourselves, we need you.

Maybe you as a child of God at this point in time are feeling that you are in a desert because of many things that are going on in your life.

If that is you you can make this prayer, Lord Jesus keep me as the apple of your eye and and indeed Jesus will make you the apple of his eye as he did with David.

Look at the picture of the eye and see where and how the apple is positioned and build your faith on that.

When you see that the apple of the eye is positioned in a place that is not easily accessible your faith in God will be built.

Although harmful particles can fly around wanting to get inside and hurt that part. But because of how the apple is positioned and how it is positioned it will be protected. Look at it and build your faith on that.

The apple is at the center of the eyeris when we say Lord Jesus keep me as the center of you eye we are saying Lord let me e the center of your focus. Focus on me, my family, my career and everything that belongs to me.

When Jesus is focusing on us nothing can harm us. Yes they will try, the evil one will try but he will not succeed because Jesus is focusing on us.

When we make that prayer we are saying Lord we do not want to be out of Your sight not even for a minute. Because if we are the center of His focus there is no way that we will be out of His sight.

When we are out of His sight we please the evil one because he knows that we will be easily accessible. But when we are the center of Hid focus the evil one knows that it is not easy for him to reach us.

That is where we should be. We should be the focus of our Lord and savior. 

Again when we look at the structure of the eye we can see that the apple is well protected. Before harmful elements can force their way the eye lids will automatically close. They eyelashes and the other layers that surrounds the apple will take care of them they will never reach.

That is where we should seek to be located in God. We should seek to be located in that inner place where it will be difficult for the evil one to reach us. Where it will be difficult for harmful particles to reach us. In that place where the evil one knows he cannot make it.

This does not mean we will not face difficulties but as we are situated in that place where the apple is those difficulties will not do anything to us. Trying they will try but they will not win over our lives.

Look at the eye. Should dust particles or any unwanted element happen to pass through the eyelid by any means because that can happen the tears will take care of it very quickly. It will be washed out, ejected as quickly as it entered.

That is what happens to us. Should by any means something happen to come near to us the deliverance power of the Lord will eject it as quickly as it entered.

It is for that reason that we should not look down on the deliverance power because it does happen that as human beings things can go wrong in this world. And as we are living we might find that by the things that we do we might remove ourselves from that place which is where the apple is located.

If we are out of that place because of what we did as human beings by our mistakes we should not disrepair for the deliverance power of the Lord will take care of whatever has attacked and succeeded to enter.

Zechariah 2:8-10

Whoever touches you child of God will know that they have touched the apple of God’s eye.

You and are the apples of God’s eye. We are loved by God, we are protected by God, we are well taken care of by God.

The provision of God
As the apple of God’s eye it means that God provides for all our needs just as he did with the Israelites when they were in that desert. He gave them manna and water in a place that has nothing.

A desert land is not a land which human beings can survive. If plants cannot survive how about us. We cannot survive the desert land but God cared, protected and provided for the Israelites while they were in that place. Surely there is no need for you after I to despair if we have been thrown into the desert by circumstances of this life.

We should not despair, we should just cry unto God and say God, keep me as the apple of your eye until i reach where I am supposed to reach.

Luke 1: 37 - For nothing is impossible with God.

There is no situation which is impossible for our God.

Pray to your Lord and savior to keep you as the apple of His eye, and believe it and it will be done.

Build your faith so that when you make that  prayer it is accompanied by faith.

We do not have to wait until we are facing difficulties to make this prayer. We can pray it when all is well so that throughout our lifetime we are surrounded by many protective layers like the pupil is.

This is a prayer which David prayed at difficult times. His life was I danger, knew he could be killed by Saul and his soldiers, knew he could starve because he was always on the run. He looked to God and remembered the wondrous acts of God that he read in the Bible and repeated it for himself. And God did that. After the difficult time David emerged well and he ascended the thrown of Israel. 

While we may not be looking for any throw to ascend to. We just want protection, we want to be the center of Gods focus, we want to be well provided for, we want to be out of reach and easily accessible.

Pray and ask God to make you the apple of his eye. You can pray as many times as you like there is no overdose of prayer.


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