Prayer Of Vengeance

Deuteronomy 32:35
I will take revenge, I will pay them back.  In due time their feet will slip.
Their day of disaster will arrive and their destiny will overtake them.

Exodus 12:12
"On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn--both men and animals--and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD."

Repent and forgive everyone thoroughly.
Rededicate yourself to Jesus Christ
Psalm 50,
Psalm 51

1. Lord my Father in Heaven, as I kept Your decrees, my enemies continued to attack me from all directions, devising strategies for my downfall, But You are my Rock of safety O God, in Jesus Christ's name.

2. While I patiently waited for the Lord to answer for me, my enemies continued to reinforce against me, and plundered my goods and harvest.
They encourage each other that my God has abandoned me, I have no one to rescue me from them, but my God is watching.

3. Their words are sharp like arrows, they sting like scorpions, and scotch like a thousand blazing suns.

4. They stick out their venomous tongues to destroy me,

5. But I have only You as my witness O' God,

6. if my enemies overtake me, who will clean Your house, who will care for the poor, orphans and widows?
Who will praise Your holy name like I do?
For the dead cannot glorify You Lord.
For You God are God of the living

7. Who will Worship You single-mindedly?

8. Indeed I have no one to save me but You.

9. For You are God who sees what lies deep in our hearts,

10. You have examined me and found me not guilty of any charge against them.

11. And You Lord have no favorites,  You fairly judge according to Your Holiness.

12. Your promise to Your faithful servant is to curse anyone who treats him with contempt.

13. To plead my course O God, I forgive them all, but the vengeance is Yours,

14. The Holy One of Israel, the Lord God of Heaven's Armies is Your name.

15. May You reign in Your fire and judge the wicked O' God.

16. May You let the enemies of Your servant drink from Your cup of anger and wrath for the glory of Your name's sake O Lord of Jacob, in Jesus' name.

17. May You come quickly through Your heavens O' Lord and defend Your humble servant from the proud and unrighteous, in Jesus Christ's name.

18. May the Lord God of Heaven's Armies bend the string, release His flaming arrow from the bow and string to strike the wicked in their hearts, in Jesus' name

19. May Heaven's Armies be released for my sake today, in Jesus Christ's name.

20. May the angel of war be released for destruction of my enemies today in Jesus' name

21. May the angel that killed all first borns of the Egyptians pass over tonight and judge my oppressors, in Jesus' name

22. How long will You reserve Your judgement for them O Lord Almighty?

23. How long will You keep Your coals burning O Lord?

24. When will Your words in Isaiah 54:15 be fulfilled? "If any nation comes to fight you, it will not be sent by me.  Whoever comes to attack you, will go down in defeat."

25. Father, You have created the blacksmith, who fans coals beneath the forge making his weapons of destruction.

26. And by Yourself my Father,  You have created the armies that destroy.

27. Father by Your decree, let every weapon of destruction be turned against them that hunt for my life and family, in Jesus Christ's name.

28. Father, judge every unrepented enemy of Your servant today, For You order everyone to repentance Father Lord, in Jesus' name.

29. O God of Elijah,  arise by Your Mighty Power and Fire and totally destroy the wicked enemies of Your faithful servant,in Jesus Christ's name.

30. I declare  the earth shall be shaken at the voice of my God, and every knee that refuses to bow shall be destroyed by Fire, in Jesus Christ's name.

Session 2 of Vengeance Prayer.

1. Anyone who is not with me, is opposing me, (destruction fire) x3 in the name of Jesus.
2. Anyone not working with me, is working against me, consuming fire, strike both the horse and the rider,(destruction fire) x3 in the name of Jesus Christ
3. Anyone using my name to buy friendship (destruction fire) x3, in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Any gathering gossiping about me, using my name to strengthen friendship,be scattered by fire, (destruction fire) x3,in Jesus name.
5. All close enemies and household enemies mocking my situation,may no one ever eat your fruits again until you repent,in Jesus Christ's name.
6.(I close every source of your happiness,source of income,source of good health) by a seal of fire to repentance, in the name of Jesus Christ )x3
7. I command a rain of plagues and dryness on anyone secretly laying a trap for my destruction, in Jesus Christ's name.
8. I speak total blindness unto my enemies in Jesus Christ's name.
9. I declare divine leprosy upon my enemies, in Jesus' name.
10. I declare that the way of my enemies shall be slippery and dark, with angel of my Father Jehovah pursuing them, in Jesus' name.
11. Anyone contending with me, I declare that not later than today, the angel of Jehovah shall blow them away completely, in Jesus Christ's name
12. I declare total destruction upon all those calling my name for evil purposes, in the name of Jesus Christ.
13. I loose myself from all inherited bondages, in the name of Jesus.
14. I vomit every satanic poison that I have swallowed, in Jesus’ name.
15. Evil bands, release me, in the name of Jesus.
16. I remove myself from every satanic bus stop, in Jesus’ name.
17. I drink the blood of Jesus in Jesus Christ’s name.
18.  Let every owner of evil load in my life begin to carry their loads, in the name of Jesus.
19.  I destroy every evil remote controlling power fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus.
20. Holy Ghost fire, incubate my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
21. I reverse every evil design fashioned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
22. Every hidden or open spirit of infirmity, depart from my life, in the name of Jesus
23. You evil strongman, be bound, in the name of Jesus.
24. All evil authorities upon my life, I command you to break by Fire, in the name of Jesus.
25. Ten thousand fold standard of Fire utterly destroy any evilfriendship, evil agreement, evil transaction and evil peace and evil reinforcement against me, in Jesus' name.
26. Ten thousand layers of Fire surround my children, my family, in Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
27. Stupid devil, hear me well, you are defeated by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony, in Jesus' name
28. It Is Finished!!! with all your power, in the name of Jesus Christ.
29. It Is Finished!!! By the Blood of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Amen thank You Father,  IT IS DONE, IT IS FINISHED!!!!


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