It Is Finished

John 19:30
When He had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that He bowed His head and gave up the Spirit.
When Jesus declared, “It Is Finished”.  
He meant "it is finished" with your sins,
He meant "it is finished" with your suffering,
He meant "it is finished" with the accusations of satan against you,
Jesus meant "it is finished" with the power of the evil one rulling over your life,
Jesus meant "it is finished" with the power of sin over you,
Jesus meant "it is finished" with the accuser of your life
The brightness of His Father's glory meant "it is finished" with the dark power
Jesus meant, the devil is defeated, 
Jesus Christ meant the evil is demolished.
The blood that the Roman soldiers shed together with the teachers of the law, was not a normal blood. 
That blood had to be shed for forgiveness of our sins.  That is why in order for one to receive freedom/deliverance, the requirement is to accept Jesus Christ as a personal Lord and Savior which is to say, “Father into Your hands I commit my Spirit.”

There is no power that is greater that the Power of the Blood that was shed on the Cross of Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ.
By this Blood I declare “It Is Finished” with the power of sin in my life, in Jesus’ name
By this Blood of Jesus Christ I declare “It Is Finished” with all my troubles and sorrows, in Jesus’ name
By this precious Blood, I declare “It Is Finished” with all unrighteousness in my life, in Jesus’ name
By this precious Blood, I declare “It Is Finished” with darkness rulling over my life, in Jesus’ name.
By the precious Blood of Jesus, I declare "it is finished" 
with all arrows of sickness and diseases, poverty affliction, 
untimely death, stagnation, backward movement, fired at my life, in Jesus Christ's name.
By the authority in the Blood of Jesus, I declare "it is finished" with all mountains and walls of darkness erected against my progress and my family, in the Mighty name of Jesus' name.
Luke 23:48
When all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took place, they beat their breasts and went away.
This is a sign repentance, we remember Jesus once said a parable of self righteous Pharisee who stood there in pride and boasted before God about his fasting and tithing, and mentioned how much better and noble he was compared to the tax collector who humbled himself before God and beat his chest out of pain.  If you stand before God and beat your chest repenting in truth and in spirit without saying a word, God hears your prayer more than that which is full of empty words and complaints and He forgives you from your sins.  

Luke 23:34,
Jesus said, father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.  For I tell you, those people as they left, they were forgiven.
If you are serious with your life, you will start today,

Read Psalm 51(everyday scripture)
Go down on your knees before the Father,
Not with pretence but in truth and in spirit
And beat your chest without saying a word
Do it until you feel tears pouring down.
Satisfy your heart with repentance.  
Our God is faithful and just to forgive us when we repent in truth and in spirit. 1 John 1:9, When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Luke 23:47
The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God, and said, “Surely this was a righteous man.” Because of all the things that took place in Golgotha, this man carrying out the instruction to kill the author and the perfecter of life, he agreed that Jesus was indeed a righteous man.  
Stand in the truth no matter the situation
Stand firm in pain, lack, affliction, accusations, rejection
and refuse to be shaken.
Let the people who are carrying the mandate to harm you turn around and admit that you are a righteous one of God.

Matthew 27:45-46
From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.  About three in the afternoon Jesus cried in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?”(which means “my God, my God, why have You forsaken me?”)
We are told in the scripture above that darkness overshadowed the land.  It was the hour of darkness in which it thought it would prevail but little did the evil one know that it was about to be Finished with his kingdom.  Remember in order for the Light to shine, there must be darkness.
In order for God to manifest His Mighty Power, there must hardship and weakness in you, a case so obvious that no power can solve it.
I am talking about the situation that you are going through right now, you feel like God is not being fare to you,
You feel that God has abandoned you, no, God is there waiting for the right moment to revel Himself so He may be glorified through your life and with that situation.  
Another most important thing to do is to assure God that with you deliverance He will receive all His glory.  Sometimes God will prolong your deliverance just so He may establish a covenant with you.
Now that is what makes people go through hardship for longer than they are supposed to,
Wondering away from God
Pharisee prayers(self righteousness is pride), acknowledgment of sins what God wants
Failure to surrender your life to Jesus
Failure to return to God, may very much compound your problems.
You can never survive the hour of darkness outside the cover of God.

Jesus cried in a loud voice and said “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”
When you have satisfied your heart with true repentance,  
Cry out and loud to the Father,
Forget about yourself or what others will say,
The hour of darkness has come to humiliate you,
The hour of darkness has come to destroy you
The hour of darkness has come to finish you of
The only way to gain victory over it, is to “CALL” the Father.
Right now if you are ready begin to call the Father out loud.

Psalm 51 x3
Acknowledge you have transgressed
Repent and forsake all known and unknown sins
Commit your life to Christ
Spend time in silence (Softly beat your chest)


Call unto the Father from the depth your heart,
Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani”?
My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?
My Father, My Father, why have You forsaken me?

(call unto the Father, do not stop until you are satisfied and full of Holy Spirit)
Declare, “It Is Finished”.  Count every bad and evil thing and declare, these words upon them, “It Is Finished”.  The curtain has been torn apart, in Jesus’ name  

To all the nations of the world:
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob be with you, deliver you, heal you, restore you, prosper you and protect you and your family, in Jesus’ name  
May our Father in heaven answer all your prayers and set you free today in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  
May the Spirit of the Living God rest upon you and your family from this day forth in the mighty name of the King of glory Jesus Christ.
May the good Lord of mercies receive you as you commit your life into His hands today in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I declare that today “It Is Finished” with your troubles in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I declare that the curtain has been torn apart, in Jesus Christ Mighty name.



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