It Is Enough

Psalm 50:15
Call on me on the day of trouble, and I will rescue you and you will give me glory."

God our Father in heaven who takes notice of every little detail of our daily lives.  Expects us as His children to call on Him when we are faced with troubles.  It is not that He can't see, whatever situation that we go through, God is always there watching, for He knows we are capable of handling those difficulties.  But He would be quiet just so He can demonstrate His great power with your situation for the glory of His Holy name.
When God called Moses into His work in the burning bush, He told Him that He God Himself was going to set the Israelites free.

When Moses left the burning bush to begin the great work in the land of Egypt.  Moses thought it was going to be easy since God was the one who had sent him in the first place and He had promised to go with Him. God did not tell Moses that He would harden Pharoah's heart but God said that He was aware that the Egyptians would not let them go easily however He promised that He would strike them with wonders that He would perform to them and they would release the Israelites.
It took him by surprise when the whole thing blew up in his face because of Pharoah's resistance resulting in overloading the Israelites with more work thereafter.

Child of God, the fact that you are facing hardships neither means God has forsaken you nor does it mean God doesn't love or care for you.  God will let you enter into trouble well knowing that He will sustain you just so He can demonstrate His great power through your situation when you finally surrender to Him the battle that you are facing.

God knows exactly what you are going through right now, in that divorce you are going through, loss of job, your house, your car being repossessed, sickness and all afflictions, children doing drugs, in your situation of losing all your family members in that tragic accident, in that pandemic, that generational curse you call a disease running in the family, those financial difficulties, limitation in progress, that dryness  in your life and that pain originating from longing to belong somewhere to someone God knows about it, it is not His will for you to stay at home while people your age and younger are getting married.
The Lord Almighty knows about your cheating husband, cheating wife, the Father knows how painful your heart is because of that broken relationship, God is counting all those tears which you shed day and night.  The problem is when we cry we don't go to God.  In this day God says, "It Is Enough" with those tears, now is the time to call on Him, He will rescue you and you will give Him glory.  This is a principle of God that says if you want divine intervention, you must call on the Father, not to cry on the pillow.

Luke 23:46
Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.
Jesus Himself called the Father after a long standing pain and suffering and only then did the Father answer.  And when God answered He answered by fire! The whole earth trembled, tombs broke open, the curtain of the temple was torn apart from top to bottom.
Child of God stop crying, "It Is Enough" with your tears, the Father is watching in anger and awaiting the day that you begin to call on him in a loud voice!
Child of God crying on your pillow and seeking earthly people's shoulder to cry on is not working and it has not worked for any child of God, let me tell you church of Jesus Christ when Jesus was helplessly hanging on the cross, the world mocked Him saying "He called Himself a Son of God, let God come and rescue Him" and guess who was saying so, the so called believers, priests and chief priests.

The people you run to with all your burdens might pretend and even confess a lie to feel your pain but in actual fact nobody feels the pain you are feeling, but you.
Immediately when you leave they discuss you and conclude you deserve everything that is happening in your life.
People who love you, will not entertain the weeping and wailing but will actually go down on their knees and pray with you and support you in prayer.

God is watching as you cry but the day you stand up and shout with your voice, call Him like Jesus did. He will step in with great power and say,"It Is Enough", God is awaiting you to call Him regarding your situation, when you call Him, you will withdraw from food and withdraw sleep and call God from your heart, that day you will see the Salvation of the Lord.

Remember child of God that God is always there watching everything happening to you.
God was there with Jesus all the time even the moment Jesus prayed in Getsemane, the moment Judas received the money from the high priest and the Pharisees, God was there the moment they took His Son away, God was there when all the disciples had deserted Him, God was there the moment Jesus was before Pilate, even when the crowd shouted for Jesus to be crucified God was there still sitting on His throne, the moment Jesus was before Herod, God was there watching, the moment Jesus was being mocked by those Roman soldiers dressing Him up in a purple robe and a crown of thorns, God was there watching everything,the moment Peter denied he knew Jesus God was there and He knows about it, the moment Jesus was struggling with the cross while being beaten and bleeding, God was watching when Simon of Cyrene was seized by soldiers and forced to carry Jesus' cross, God was there when the first nail pierced through His own Son's hand to the last nail even when they pierced His side with a spear God was there watching till the moment Jesus gave up the ghost God was there watching and waiting for the moment Jesus would "call" on Him.
Even in your situation God is still there and is still God just that He is watching awaiting you to call Him.

1. Withdraw from the crowd, make time for God
2. Fast for 3 days(6-6)
3. If possible, withdraw from sleep and "call" the Father throughout the night.
4. Scriptures:
Psalm 51, Psalm 35, Isaiah 63, Isaiah 54(Spend 1 hour on each)

(Do not spend less than one hour in this prayer)

Heavenly Father, I commit my Spirit into Your hands,
I say Father have Your way in my life,
Almighty God, I am a sinner that needs Your grace, have mercy on me
Father I know I am unworthy to gather the crumbs under Your table, but I trust in Your faithful promises Father that are my shield and my rampart.
Oh Sovereign Lord, I am unworthy to stand before You Father in my rainment of shame
But I humbly come in total humility Father like a prodigal son
I will say to my Father, I have sinned against You, and I'm unworthy to be called Your son anymore
My Father and my God, may You be merciful to me, I pray in Jesus' name.
Lord God of Heaven's Armies, Holy One Of Israel, Jehovah is Your name
I surrender unto You Father in glory, may You intervene in my situation Father, in the name of Jesus Christ
I need Your intervention Father concerning my situation(name it)
Father my human wisdom has come to an end in this day of trouble Oh good Lord.
O Lord oppose those who oppose me and fight those who fight against me in the name of Jesus.
Prepare for battle Father and come for my aid, in Jesus name
Lift up Your spear and javelin against those who pursue me, in Jesus' name
By Your power Lord bring shame and disgrace on those trying to kill me, in the name of Jesus.
Father my God, turn them back and humiliate those who want to harm me, in Jesus name.
Blow them away like a chaff in the wind sent by the angel of the Lord, in Jesus name
Angel of my Father pursue them and make their path dark and slippery,in Jesus name.
Father who art in heaven for it is written in the book of Psalm 50:15
Call on me in the day of trouble, and I will rescue you,and you will give me glory.
(Call the Father to intervene in your situation).

Amen ........
May the God of Elijah answer you by FIRE......In Jesus Christ's name.

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Thank you, stay blessed.


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