Cleansing Prayer

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16).

I have observed many cases of deliverance, it used to bother me why other people may be delivered and some not.  Until I learnt that some people resist deliverance in many ways.
Some do not open their hearts during deliverance in a fear of manifestation of evil spirits, these are people with dodgy lives.
To some people deliverance fails in pre counseling and/or post counseling.
The scripture above tells us that confession is the key to our healing.
If we remember in many occasions Jesus would say, "your sins are forgiven, rise up and go, sin no more."
Hobouring sin prevents people from receiving healing and deliverance.
By confessing our sins, we humble ourselves and admit our unrighteousness before God against whom we have sinned.  Then God will have mercy upon us, in turn He will heal us, deliver us and restore us.
Confession and repentance is actually an everyday thing for a child of God, for we are not holy only God is.
There are many things that defile us as people living in this world.
* Even our thoughts,
* The things we see,
* Things we hear with our ears,
* Some of the things we eat may defile us unaware,
* In our dreams we are constantly defiled,
* Some of the fashion defiles us,
* Our lifestyle,
* Even the way we sit, the way we sleep and the way we greet may defile us.
We will discuss the topics further in another session soon if God permits.

Read Psalm 51
Rededicate your life to Christ

O Saviour of the world, God of Gods, light of light, you who are the brightness of your Father’s glory, the express image of his person; you who have destroyed the power of the devil, who have overcome death, “who sits at the right hand of the Father”; you will speedily come down in your Father’s glory to judge all men according to their works. Be my light and my peace; destroy the power of the devil in me, and make me a new creature. You who cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene, cast out of my heart all corrupt affections.
You who raised Lazarus from the dead, raise me from the death of sin. You who cleansed the lepers, healed the sick, and gave sight to the blind, heal the diseases of my soul; open my eyes, and fix them singly on the prize of my high calling, and cleanse my heart from every desire but that of advancing your glory.

How I praise and thank You Father, that You know the inner thoughts of my heart, and the areas within that need Your refining tool and cleansing touch.

Forgive me for the mask I so often wear and the carefully designed pretence that prevents others from seeing my true self. Lord You know my heart, and the motives behind my thoughts.. and I confess that I need Your inner cleansing. Create in me a clean heart oh Lord, and renew a right spirit within me, I pray.

For too long Lord I have lived a lie, by hiding a range of inner hurt and damaged emotions behind a smiling face – when my heart is bitter, unforgiving, angry and full of pain.

Change my heart from the inside and heal these hurts I pray. Remove all the offensive impurities within, that are so offensive to You.. and fill me with Your peace and Your joy, so that in spirit and in truth, I may show forth Your love to others.

Thank You Lord that a changed heart and a changed life only comes from You – and Father, I in turn desire to surrender all that I am to You. Take my life and live through me, in Jesus name I pray,

Father I come to You in humbleness of heart knowing that I have wandered so far from You and have not loved You as I ought.

Lord I confess that I slipped back into the ways of the world and allowed the lusts of the flesh and the enticements of the world to draw me right away from You. Lord I have neglected my fellowship with You and I know that my actions and attitudes must have grieved Your Spirit – Lord I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness for my foolish ways and inconsiderate actions – not only to others but to You Lord Jesus.

Wash me clean Lord I pray and cleanse me of my sins. Search out any wicked ways in me and renew a right spirit within my heart and restore to me the joy of Your salvation that I once enjoyed and loved.

Lord I have grieved Your Spirit and have lived and unholy and unrighteous life-style and I am not worthy to be part of Your family.
But Lord, according to Your loving-kindness and tender mercies I pray that You will cleanse me of my sin and wash me white as snow, in the blood of the Lord Jesus, my Saviour.

Lord I acknowledge my sin and my rebellions ways.
Loving Lord Your Word has promised that if I confess my sin You are faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me from all my unrighteousness.
Lord I do confess that I wronged You in so many ways - and pray for Your forgiveness.

Teach me Lord to follow Your ways from now on and restore me into fellowship with the Father I pray.
Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me – I ask this is Jesus name,

Heavenly Father, we confess the sins of the Church, both individually and collectively for as Your Body we have not loved You as we ought nor have we followed You as faithfully as You desire.

We have sinned and done so many wrongs and often acted in prideful and rebellious ways – and have not paid heed to Your righteous instruction.
Lord as Your Body on earth and as ambassadors of heaven we have not kept our garments spotless.. but have gone our own way and followed our own desires and impulses.. and there is no health in us - and we are ashamed of the filthy garments that, as Your bride we are wearing..

Look down on us in compassion and forgiveness we pray and purify our hearts and cleanse us of all our faults.. both individually and collectively.

You have promised that the good work that You have started in each of Your children will be completed in the day of Christ.. and ask that in Your grace You would wash us and cleanse us and purify each one of us so that as Your people we may become without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.. so that at the appointed time we may be presented to Jesus as a pure and radiant church – to His praise and glory. This we ask in His precious name,

Father God, be gracious to me I pray, according to Your loving- kindness. Father, my sins are heavy against me and my soul is troubled.. for the many wrongs I have done against You and for the many evil thoughts and unholy attitudes I have allowed to influence my heart and rule my life, for far to long.

I have sought to condone my wrongdoings, and ignore the voice of my conscience within.. and I ask Your forgiveness for my foolish pride, in ignoring the gentle promptings of Your Holy Spirit.

Forgive me I pray, and restore to me the joy of Your salvation.. for You have promised that all who truly confess their sins will be forgiven and returned back into a right relationship with You - and cleansed from all unrighteousness.

Lord the sacrifice of my heart is brokenness before You, My soul is truly contrite and my desire is to return into a right relationship with You. I know that the consequences of my wrong choices may remain with me for a long time – but I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would forgive my sins and cleanse my soul and restore me into a right relationship with Yourself – and my heart will rejoice in God my Saviour, in Whose name I pray,

Father God, how I praise You that the Lord Jesus is not only my Saviour, who died on the cross to redeem me from eternal separation from You, and rose again the third day, to share His life with me.. but that He is also my heavenly Advocate, Who is my representative before Your throne of grace and Who by Your mercy is defending me against the accuser of my soul.

Thank You that He not only identified with my sin and paid the redemption price, but that He also covered me with His robe of righteousness and caused me to be made blameless in Your holy eyes – by grace through faith. I am not worthy to gather the crumbs under Your table – but You are the ever-living Lord of mercy and grace,
Who has reached down to adopt me as Your child…

I can do nothing but praise Your holy name and offer You my heart and life to be a living sacrifice, separated and holy unto the Lord. May You be glorified in my life and may I never cease from praising You in spirit and in truth all the days of my life.

Thank You Lord that You remain faithful even when we are unfaithful to You – Thank You Father, in Jesus Christ's name.

Thank You Father that though my sins were crimson, the blood of Christ has washed them white as snow.
Thank You that though my sins were many, they were placed on the spotless Lamb of God, Who took the punishment I justly deserved - and unworthy though I be, thank You that I have been clothed in Christ’s perfect righteousness, and declared justified, in Him.

Thank You that the Lord Jesus was prepared to be identified with my sinfulness.. so that I in turn might be identified with His glorious righteousness.

Father I recognise how much you have done for me, as a free gift of grace..
and ask that You continue to examine me, and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
I pray that You would do away with all my self-will, my passion and my pride - and purify my heart in Jesus Christ' name.

Thank You Father that there is now no condemnation or accusation against me.
Thank You for Your wonderful love and great forgiveness – all to Jesus I owe, and from this day forward may I never cease to praise Him with my whole heart and to live my whole life for Him – I ask this in Jesus' name.

I pray that You may grow me in Your grace and in an ever deeper knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Whom to know is life eternal and in Whose name I pray.

Amen to listen to messages, prayers and revelations.


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