Nocturnal Emission(Spirit spouse attack)

Nocturnal emissions(spirit spouse defilement)

Deuteronomy 23:10
"Any man who becomes ceremonially defiled because of a nocturnal emission must leave the camp and stay away all day.  Towards evening he must bathe himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp."

What is a nocturnal emission?
Answer: spirit spouse attack or a dream in which a man/woman will be engaging in a sexual intercourse with a demon that will appear either as a stranger or a known person to them.

Most people experience this attack every now and again, to some it comes whenever there is something good about to happen in their lives.

If you are one of those people, be attentive, this means in the spirit realm a certain demon is claiming to be married with you.
Every time you experience such dream, your glory is stolen and captured underwater marine kingdom soon you will have manipulator spirit children that will drain you of everything from finances to your blood.  A woman will breastfeed in dreams, this will be manipulator spirit children drinking her blood, sucking her glory and wealth, in real life she will experience miscarriages, as children will be taken as sacrifice to darkness.

It will destroy your:
Relationships,afflict you with rejection, success blockages, finances will vanish,it closes heavens above your head, everything will start to fall apart, even the way you look a spiritual person can tell that you are missing a glory.

(Remember fornication alone is a sin), it makes one to operate under closed heavens, now to mention committing fornication with a demon is even worse that's why the results are so disastrous.
If you constantly experience this attack, chances to get married are zero.

If already married, most marriages soon file for divorce when this spirit is at work, because this silly demon is indeed jealously of you, it even goes to an extent of killing your partner and scares away everyone who tries to help you.

A spirit spouse will take you out of your job and make you suffer poverty affliction thus compounding problems for you.
Your life becomes a mess whenever you are about to receive a breakthrough, you get a visitation of a spirit spouse with a  purpose of defilement which indeed prevents the mercy of God from locating you.

The spirit in charge of nocturnal emission is very dangerous, stubborn and ruthless.  If you are tormented by this spirit and if you are serious with your life, you need to seek deliverance, no one has ever experienced this attacked and survived it without Jesus' intervention.

1. Read Psalm 51(x3)
2. Pray (warfare)
3. Go for deliverance

You can comment or request a prayer either here or on the radio.
Be blessed in the presence of the Lord.


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