(Luke 5:3-7)
3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon and asked him to put out a little from shore.  Then He sat down and taught the people from the boat.

“Put it out a little from shore.”(Glorify God with your assets, time and life).  Then the struggle you had the last night will be over.
Make room for the word in your heart.
Had Jesus started by giving Simon fish, he would rush to the market making no room for the word. Had Jesus made a promise to catch fish, Simon would have offered because of what he was going to get thereafter.
Most people have the attitude of, what’s in it for me?
What will I get if I offer to help?
People want to know what is in it for them if they pay offerings and tithes, if they go to church.
People are too time cautious, too busy for the things of God.
People allow themselves to be crowded by day-to-day activities of life and ignore the voice of God as if they can add a single second in their lives.  
The time is in the hands of God.  In whatever plans we have, God can easily oppose them.
God can at any time remove His breath from us while we are still busy with other things and let us be as we prioritise them above Him.

Simon had been fishing for the entire night with no effect.  I want to believe that the night before, Simon had done everything he knew would give him a catch considering he was an experienced fisherman, but nothing worked for him on that night.  If Simon was selfish, He could easily have said “No” I have struggled all night long, and you want to use my boat for your own business?” how much will you pay for it?
1. Never be selfish to offer help because your past failures.
2. Never be bitter over others because of your bad yesterday’s experience.

Take this lesson,you have been doing something without any struggle, and all of a sudden you struggle.  There is a challenge, a greater power is in force.  
It could be you are under attack or it could be the consuming fire is making a move into your life.
Be wise and make a room for the word in your life, withdraw from the world and seek God, be it an attack or God Himself you will find the answer.

Most people want to go to God for breakthroughs, little do they know that a breakthrough can destroy most people when they are spiritually under grown.   
1. If ones faith is based on breakthroughs, it is easy for that person to fall when things don’t work according to their expectations. Their confession changes.
2. If people are desperate for breakthroughs very often they fail to differentiate between a breakthrough and a destruction “pick from the list below.”
The devil knows those people and he takes advantage of their situation thus giving them fake and premature breakthroughs just to destruct them from receiving their real jobs, finances, marriages etc.

A premature breakthroughs is dangerous, it is temporary and it is very hard to recover the real one because he gives you that fake in exchange of your real breakthrough.  Once he seizes something from you, he does not let go of it until you undergo extensive deliverance and reversal to break all all chains and evil padlocks that he uses to tie up your virtues.

Child of God if your reason of going to church is based on your current situation and not to seek God, you are in danger of backsliding when option “B” appears to be your solution.  
Be hungry for the word of God and let that be a reason why you go to God. Let your intention be in worshipping God for what He has done for you and for God to fill you up.
If you seek God like King David, all that you need will pursue you until it overtakes you.
In whatever you need, let Jesus fill you up with word first, do not rush breakthrough.
Jesus Christ wants you to be full of the word, thereafter He can heal you, deliver you and restore you.

Luke 5:4-6
4 When He had finished speaking He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch.”
5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything.  But because you say so, I will let the down the nets.”
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
After you have heard the word and accepted the message then goodness and mercy will begin to follow you.

Simon’s obedience, humbleness and selflessness proved to be a powerful weapon for him no wonder why even after denying he knew Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed 2 times, he still received favor from the Lord to take over after His promotion to glory.
Jesus takes time in feeding you with the word until you conceive, and the word gives birth to a healthy baby not a still born, not a premature child that will be vulnerable to any little cough.

Look at the power of the word, the night before, Simon caught nothing for the whole night.  After the word, he caught more than he had ever caught in his life in just little time.  What was Simon’s secret?
Obedience, humbleness and selflessness.  How many times has God asked to use any of your possessions, or even you and your answer was “No?”
“I do not have time, I am too busy Lord, trying to make ends meet but failing, I work from Monday to Friday, Saturday I do shopping/laundry and Sunday I must rest, no time for you.”
Saying, “No.”  
“I have all that I need, what more will you give me, I have the money, I go out every weekend and my time is too precious to offer it to you God.”

How many fishermen are struggling with boats, nets, experience etc?
If you think having all those things around your life is having everything, wait until the day the Lord claims His soul from you, and let your money buy it back for you.
Rich people die leaving behind riches to be spent by heirs lavishly, no millionaire has ever bought his life back.

People are struggling out there in possession of highest levels of education ever, Masters, Honors, Doctorates etc.
You can be well-educated, well-known etc but without Jesus Christ, it is all worthless.
Simon was an experienced fisherman, Simon had all the resources he needed for his job and had been successful the whole time, but he lacked a word of God and that night things didn’t work out for him.  But there came the Brightness of His Fathers glory changing the story of Simon in the morning.
If you’re experiencing this night in your life, turn to God, let the word fill you up.  
And the mercy of God that located Simon will locate you.
Let the mercy of God that places an uneducated one in higher levels locate you today, in Jesus’ name.

Luke 10:16
“Whoever listens to you listens to me;whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects Him who sent me.”  Please do yourself a favor, accept the message of God and welcome a prophet if you want to receive the gift of a prophet.

Lastly, Seek the Lord now while He may be found, and be warned:
the grace to seek and find the Lord is about to expire.
When the Master of the house has locked the door, it will too late
(please read Luke 13:25)  
a person out on the deck of the roof must not come down….
(please read Matthew 24:15-18) 

1. Read Psalm 51
2. Repent and forsake all your sins
3. Give your life to Christ Jesus

Pray and plead with God to ask you again tell Him this time you will say “Yes.”
Many times He asked you
But you refused
Yet you are suffering
Never knew what you were doing.


Heavenly Father, many times You have asked me for my assets, my time etc.
Because of greed and frustration I refused.
King Jesus I am sorry
I have been a fool
I have been selfish
Lord Jesus Christ, I am suffering now because of my selfishness.
Jesus Christ, I never knew that You were reaching out for my hand.
Lord Jesus the whole time I didn’t know what I was doing.
Lord Jesus Christ, please ask me again, I will say “yes.”
Jesus Christ, use my property, my assets and time to spread Your grace.
Lord Jesus Christ, do as You please with my life and my property for the glory of your name.
Father Lord, I surrender all to You
Lord my God please give me a second chance.
I will say, “yes” ask me again.
My answer is “yes”
Lord Jesus, satisfy me with Your word.
I am rushing no premature breakthrough
I want no “pick-from-the-list-below” breakthroughs
I want no still born breakthroughs, No
I want my real breakthrough in the right time
Jesus Christ for now I want to know YOU
I want to be filled with YOUR word King of Kings
When YOU have satisfied me with YOUR Spirit
You can take me from Glory to Glory all YOUR most suitable time.



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