Effective Prayer


Loud and long prayers that are full of big words do not really matter to God, however spending more time with God over time will work in your favour.  The more time you spend with God will however aid in convicting you and also in provoking God to notice you and look upon you with mercy.  That act is considered as seeking the Kingdom of God and it’s righteousness.
As I say, it is not about the length of time you pray once in a while when troubles and challenges are rife and it is definitely not about the noise you make.
The quality of your heart is first and foremost in achieving an EFFECTIVE PRAYER.
Your prayer pattern, knowing we do not go to God only when things go wrong.
God is always God no matter what our situations are,

Scripture verses:
Mark 11:23
“Have faith in God, for I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘may you be removed and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.  But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.”

James 1:5-6
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking.  But when you ask Him be sure that your faith is in God alone.  Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.”

I am a child of Light
I belong to Jesus Christ
I am the chosen one of God
I am God’s Special Treasure, in Jesus Christ’s Mighty name.

These scriptures clearly state that in order to ask and receive from God, one has to be totally dependent on God and have faith in God alone.  If you have faith and totally depend on God, it means you always are in His presence because you do understand that even the fact that you are alive today is indeed God’s grace.  So you make sure that your day begins and ends with God.
Now that attitude and behaviour will put you in greater chances to receive from our generous Father.  It simply means you are in constant connection with God through prayers, worship, praises, meditation and word reading.

Most people find themselves praying frustration and fear, and most indeed complain more in prayers than to ask, simply because they have no connection with God.  A prayer, word, worship will revive you in times of need.  In most cases the prayer that you say when faced with challenges is not necessary, but the prayer that you do in the:
-morning(dedicating the day to Christ and arresting all plans of the enemy concerning your life),
-evening(barricading prayers, thanks giving, and dedication prayers).
Those are prayers that give you victory over challenges.
Eg. You have been praying earnestly to God with faith, during the day you find yourself walking into trouble, be it an accident or whatever situation, sometimes you won’t even call His name but Jesus will rescue you, seriously if one would wait until trouble comes than say a prayer, think about it, an accident is a split second thing, trouble at work, your boss won’t give you time to pray when such troubles arise.

Remember your long standing attitude towards God will determine if you receive or not, will determine if He comes to your rescue or not, if you display a prayerful attitude towards Him and that attitude is interpreted as humbleness before God, He will always be with you.  God gives grace to the humble and reject the proud.  Not praying to God is interpreted as pride before God.

Luke 11:9-10
“And so I tell you keep on asking, and you shall receive what you ask for.  Keeping on seeking and you will find what you are seeking.  Keep on knocking and the door will be opened.”
Now if you are constantly in prayer, asking for protection, favour, mercy, abundance, and never forget to ask for God to reveal Himself, to have His way in your life, for His will to be done in your life.  All these things shall be granted to you and of course when praying always come to God knowing that you are not righteous, do repent because when we say we are not sinners, it means we are calling God a liar because according to Him, He alone is righteous, for us is to repent every time before we even begin to pray.  You are God’s Special Treasure, God chose you not the other way around, He chose you in spite of all your lies, gossips, sinfulness and showed you kindness without first judging you.
Be wise and do what is right after you have been given the Grace,
Repent and forsake your sins because the second coming of Christ is nearer.  And rest assured that it is impossible to offer prayers to God while you are harboring your sins which you consistently commit knowingly.

Mark 11:24
“When praying make sure that you have forgiven anyone whom you have been holding a grudge against.”  It is pointless to approach the throne of the Father with a heart that is heavily loaded, no prayer will yield results in this case.  In this way you would be praying under closed heavens.

Matthew 6:14
The scripture that says “ If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins.”
And how will you expect your prayers to be answered in this situation?  This is when you will find yourself experiencing more attacks after praying and it feels like God has gone silence on you and has turned a deaf ear on you.  Unforgiveness is a sin, by you harboring it, you have created a barrier to your prayers, you are attacking yourself from within you, the problem is not outside but inside you.
So in this case in order for you have an effective prayer life, you need to forgive others and stop being bitter.

Many of us are frustrated in prayers and some even give up because of this, the enemy has made it a point that he corners people with unforgiveness so much just so that their prayers will never be effective.
And it is very frustrating and draining to be in this situation.

This is a situation that is created by ones carelessness or ignorance. In this life we need wisdom but all we pray for are material things, things that push us away from God.  These breakthroughs, I have noticed that many people who come to our church, they need job and financial breakthroughs and God honoring His servants in the deliverance ministry, He gives them breakthroughs and they disappear, even failing to come and testify, they will tell you how their new jobs are keeping them busy at all times and Sundays they would be tired and having to do 1,2,and 3 but in actual fact they would be spending time and money doing things that do not glorify God.

Our prayers should be more on the direction of spirituality, asking God for wisdom, faith growth, ability to pray or revival of prayer altar, contrite heart, willingness to learn God’s ways, forgiving heart, for humbleness.  So we know once your spiritual life is at a rise, so does your physical life, and such a person will not be destructed by a breakthrough.

Lastly God’s Special Treasure, always be eager to know about the things of God and meditate on His laws day and night.
May the good Lord Bless you and your families, the work of your hands and your future plans in Jesus Christ’s Mighty name.

Amen .

Jacob FM. Coming up soon to bless you with the Word of God

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