Mock Worship

Mock Worship

Matthew 27:28-30
They stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him.  They *wove thorn* branches into a *crown* and pit it on His head, and placed a reed stick in His right hand as a scepter.  Then they *knelt* before Him in mockery and taunted, *"Hail!! King of Jews!"* And they *spit* on Him and grabbed the *stick and struck* Him on the head with it.

After the people who Jesus had come to save on this very earth had chosen Barabbas over Him, the soldiers *(Romans)* in particular, began to *mock worship Him* in public.  Until today, many engage in *mock worship*.
Some unknowingly because of following the crowd.
 *crowd pleasing spirit* must die!!!

Take note.
*Fallen Cross Churches* - *(illuminati & freemasons churches)*
1. If you enter into christian churches of darkness, you are practising *mock worship* for these churches are submitting under marine kingdom in the departments of demons called *seraphim* in charge of *(false prophecy)*
And a demon called *lavey* in charge of *(false churches).*

2. If you call the name of *Jesus* for none other than prayer - *mock worship* e.g (hawe Jesu)

3. Making an oath with the name "ngempela uJesu nasi"- *mock worship*.

4. You fellowship in prayer with unbelievers, *mock worship* - for as much as they are unbelievers, there are their little gods they believe in.  Everyone has faith in something.

Matthew 27:25
"We will take responsibility of His death, we and our children."

The lost people of this world shouting after choosing a criminal-Barabbas over Jesus Christ.  In that moment Christ had been abandoned by everyone. All alone against multitudes of people and soldiers.

NB# *Be careful of choosing a church based on numbers.  A crowd has never been for Christ.  A crowd is to Barabbas.
Barabbas spirit in churches must die, in Jesus Christ's name.


May the good Lord open my eyes so I may repent and stop practising mock worship.

Lord Jesus Christ, I repent from all mock worship which I have practised unknowingly, which gave glory to the enemy,

Mercy of God, locate me today, so I may come out of the crowd, in Jesus' name.

Lord God of heavens armies, may You separate me from the confession of my forefathers to take responsibility of Jesus' crucifixion, in Jesus' name.



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