
Showing posts from February, 2020

Stay At Jericho

Remain(Stay)At Jericho 2 Samuel 10:4. So Hanun seized David’s envoys, shaved off half of each man’s beard, cut off their garments at the buttocks, and sent them away. When David was told about this, he sent messengers to meet the men, for they were greatly humiliated. The king said, “Stay at Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back. I remember Lydia once shared this story one Wednesday night prayer. I want to tell you child of God, today you may be in a similar situation, dropped to zero because of the position you were in, but Hanun and the Ammonites did not think of what will happen when your beard grows again.  "Yes" It gave them pleasure to half shave your beard and to cut your garments at the buttocks so you will be disgraced and humiliated in public. However, child of God, Remain(Stay) At Jericho until your beard has grown again then you can come. These are moments where it seems like time is at rest but in actual fact it isn't, time is goi...

Mock Worship

Mock Worship Matthew 27:28-30 They stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him.  They *wove thorn* branches into a *crown* and pit it on His head, and placed a reed stick in His right hand as a scepter.  Then they *knelt* before Him in mockery and taunted, *"Hail!! King of Jews!"* And they *spit* on Him and grabbed the *stick and struck* Him on the head with it. After the people who Jesus had come to save on this very earth had chosen Barabbas over Him, the soldiers *(Romans)* in particular, began to *mock worship Him* in public.  Until today, many engage in *mock worship*. Some unknowingly because of following the crowd.  *crowd pleasing spirit* must die!!! Take note. *Fallen Cross Churches* - *(illuminati & freemasons churches)* 1. If you enter into christian churches of darkness, you are practising *mock worship* for these churches are submitting under marine kingdom in the departments of demons called *seraphim* in charge of *(false prophecy)* And ...

Effective Prayer

EFFECTIVE PRAYER What is an EFFECTIVE PRAYER? Loud and long prayers that are full of big words do not really matter to God, however spending more time with God over time will work in your favour.  The more time you spend with God will however aid in convicting you and also in provoking God to notice you and look upon you with mercy.  That act is considered as seeking the Kingdom of God and it’s righteousness. As I say, it is not about the length of time you pray once in a while when troubles and challenges are rife and it is definitely not about the noise you make. The quality of your heart is first and foremost in achieving an EFFECTIVE PRAYER. Your prayer pattern, knowing we do not go to God only when things go wrong. God is always God no matter what our situations are, Scripture verses: Mark 11:23 “Have faith in God, for I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘may you be removed and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.  But you must really...