Stubborn Pharoah Release Me

"Stubborn Pharoah Release Me"
(Multiple Delays spirit)
We look at multiply delays and the causes, also prayers to oppose these stubborn spirits.

This is a prayer booklet by Evangelist Jacob, whom God has anointed to spread the Grace to all. This prayer booklet was compiled under the instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have been made new and forgiven from our sins and are now exulted with He who sits at the right hand of the Father in Spiritual realms.
The Spirit of the Living God in this booklet reveals mysteries behind many ruined lives of people.
Exposing satan butt naked. And we know that exposing him renders him powerless and useless as he is truly is.

If we read the book of Exodus, we find that Pharoah would agree to release the Israelites when things get heated up but when the wrath of God tranquilizes, he would change his mind and refuse to let them go.

Anyone under the bondage of Stubborn Pharoah there is no hope of making it in life.
Taking into consideration that more than one spirits would be involved thus contributing to multiply delays spirit:
Devine delays- cause by God
Personal delay- caused by ones own actions and mistakes eg.
(Rebellion, disobedience, sinfulness, complaints, stubbornness, gossiping, crowd pleasing, pride, idolatry, carelessness etc.)
Programmed delays- programmed into ones life by envious enemies.
Inherited delays- from ones bloodline, parents etc.
Environmental delays- witches in a certain area and territorial idols do not allow people to progress.
Strongman delay- a strongman has vowed that you will never make it in life.

Unless these spirits are confronted.  The entire family from generations to generations will experience satanic delays, permanent and occasional satanic delays.
By the time you finish reading this, you should be able to identify causes of delays in your own life and your family and be able to engage in relevant warfare prayers against them.

Please do get yourself this prayer booklet:
By planting the seed towards the work of God.

To Request The prayer booklet, please email "Stubborn Pharoah" to:


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