Living A Reality

Living A Reality (Vol1)

John 16:33
"I told you all this so that you may have peace in me.. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows but take heart for I have overcome the world."
Jesus says you and I will have trials and sorrows as long as we live in this world.
Troubles are things to expect in this world.
When waiting in expectation of something, we get relieved when it eventually happens or comes.

Ours is to wait in the Lord for trials and sorrows will surely come, praying earnestly for strength and courage for that coming day.

Isaiah 54:17 The Lord's promise is that, though there will be armies that destroy but in that coming day no weapon turned, against us will succeed.
Armies will be there, they won't go anywhere,
Armies will go all out to do what they were created for,
But their weapons will not succeed when used upon you.
It does not mean they will not attack you, the work they were made for is to attack you people whom the Lord has called to His path.
If you experience troubles and challenges be happy it means you belong to the Lord not satan, the devil won't trouble you unless you are on the the other side of his gun and a problem to his kingdom.
Do not wish to live a trouble-free life for it means has nothing beyond eating, gossiping, sleeping till you die.
A trouble free life means there's no progress in ones life.
It means you are not living a reality, you are operating out of the will of God.
For there is no way you can be righteous and have no afflictions(Psalms 34:19 Many are afflictions of the righteous).
But you are under attack because you were born to fight not flesh and blood enemies but principalities, authorities, dominions, powers and rulers of darkness in high places and underwater marine kingdom.
Therefore I urge you to be alert at all times and on every occasion never to find yourself behind enemy line (in the jurisdiction of the enemy), exposing yourself to danger.
If you don't not know yourself the enemy knows you in the spirit realm.

Never take it lightly that you are a believer of Christian faith.  It is a huge war against darkness.
Do not fear the enemy either, he has no power over you, remember Luke 10:19 " Look I have given you the authority to trample on scorpions and serpents and to overcome all powers of the enemy and nothing will injure you", says Jesus Christ.

It is dangerous not to know your stand and your authority over darkness, the fool will cause you to panic,it is dangerous to be ignorant about his petty schemes, he will capitalise and outwit you, it is dangerous not to be sceptical about the innovations of darkness, he will set a trap for you and ensnare you.
Never become familiar with darkness and its gadgets.

Living The Reality means standing firm in the midst of all your challenges.
People will of course gossip and call you names when you separate yourself from what pleases them, the flesh and what gives glory darkness and focus on the things of the Spirit, they will say you are boring, your lifestyle is boring even your own brothers and sisters.
No need to be days about it because our Lord and Savior told us in the book of -
Luke 12:49-53(ref to scripture).

Isaiah 54:16"I have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge and makes the weapons of destruction."
You can be sure they are armed and dangerous that is the reality of the situation you are facing.
But all plans of the enemy to destroy you will be in vein.
You are probably asking yourself where does Evangelist get that from?
The Word of God....
Our problem is that: -
1.. we want to live trial free lives,
2.. No sorrows,
3.. Smooth sailing,
That is life of falsehood which the devil promises you in order to turn Jesus into a liar.
Remember Jesus is not a man who would lie and He is not a Son of a man who would change. Everything that He said would happen will happen no matter what.

Child of God, in this world you will never live a trial-free life. That life was never promised to you. That's a lie of the devil,, the deceiver, who lied from the beginning and when he lies he is consistent in it.
You were promised peace in the midst of all trial and sorrows. ie.
1. Your children are up to mischief, doing drugs,
2. failing at school,
3. your neighbours are swearing at you,
4. you have been betrayed,
5. you are sick,
6. things are upside down at your workplace,
7. in your relationship,
8. no money for children's education? You are Living The Reality
"Here on earth you will face many trials and sorrows but take heart for I have overcome the world."

That is the promise being fulfilled to make it a reality, any thing contrary to what was previously promised is not a reality.

In fact we should be more concerned when smooth sailing in life.
For we know we were never promised to have it easy in this world.
In this world darkness has exulted itself to high authority..
Smooth sailing for us is a lie while still on the face of the earth,
And begin to reason what happened to the promise of trials and sorrows?
(When something is too good to be true)
Eg. Your business when it does huge profits everyday from Monday to Friday without any struggles know for sure there is something wrong, business has ups and downs.
There is a danger coming up and stop your dealings immediately and look for what's making its way towards you.  Remember the evil fool does not come as a phantom full of dread but as a benignant angel of love and peace and light.
But since all we want is good life, good things as opposed to the promises of the Lord. We easily fall into the pity dug and hidden for us.  In God there is good life too and there are sorrows and trials too that is life for a child of God, that is Living A Reality.
Be happy when problems come for it means you are still on the right track
You are Living A Reality.

As children of God, we can do by developing the attitude of loving our enemies..
What do I mean love our enemies?
Our enemies are all these problems that we encounter..
Psalm 23:5 "He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies." God provides for me in the midst of all contrary spirits and forces of darkness, in the midst of all trials and sorrows and afflictions.
We tend to think when God says "love your enemies" He is referring to people. That is where we miss it.
All the people belong to Jehovah believers and unbelievers alike, no matter how bad they can be.  No one was created by any other God than(IAM WHO I AM) the One who is your Father.

Ephesians 6:10 "For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against against evil rulers, and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in the dark world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."

May the good Lord bless you as you are reading His messages.....
I declare more graces upon you
May the Spirit of the Living God rest upon you, may all your dreams come true, may all your chains be broken by the Power in the Blood of Jesus Christ.  May the anointing of the Great Physician locate you right now,  Healing Fire, deliverance Fire, Restoration Fire, in Jesus' name
May the Resurrection Power of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you to resurrect all organs of your body performing below expectation, in every area of your life, in Jesus Christ mighty name.
(Vol 2 up next)


  1. Thank you Jesus for the powerful massage that we have received this morning.


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