Living A Reality (Vol 2)

Living A Reality (Vol 2)

Enemies are those trials and sorrows, afflictions and persecutions. Not human beings.. 
If we could take it as Jesus says, the devil won't know what hit him. He wants us to drift away from God. 
Jesus says love them for they will usher you to Him.. 
Coming closer to God means growth in spirituality. 
This attitude will enable every trial to aid on your spiritual growth, 
After each trial you would be left higher in the level of spirituality than before, if you were by the door, after the trial you will have moved inside even closer to the Father who sits at the far end of the house. 

Employ this useless satan, he has got too much time, turn the evil fool into your thread mill, your weights to gain your spiritual muscles. 
Be concerned when he doesn't attack you, tell him to bring it on, you are using him to gain spiritual muscles. 
He will soon realise how stupid he is when all his efforts to pursue and to burden you with all these things are actually working against his plan and he will flee from you. 

There will be persecutions in this world. That is the reality. 
You will be tested in this world. Sometimes you will fail, sometimes you will pass.. That will only mean you are Living A Reality. 

You will be tempted in this world, to the point beyond you capacity but do not fall, if you happen to.
That will only mean you are Living A Reality, rise up again. 

In this world painful things will happen to you and you will not be immune to pain, that will mean you are Living A Reality. 

You live knowing one day you will die in this world.. 
That is Living A Reality 

The word says you will be sick in this world.. But when you are sick, God is ready to heal you.. 
Exodus15:26, “If you will diligently listen and pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in His sight, and listen to His commandments, and keep [foremost in your thoughts and actively obey] all His precepts and statutes, then I will not put on you any of the deadly diseases of the Egyptians. 

When you are under attack. 
Exodus 14:14."Be still for the Lord will fight for you.. All the Egyptians you see today, you shall see them no more." 
Be still until you see the salvation of the Lord. 
Every promise the Lord makes He fulfills.. 
All that which is written in the Bible is being fulfilled every day before your very eyes. 
The Word of God is the reality.. 
If you want to live in the reality, make the word of God a standard for your life.. 
Live in the Word of God, then you will be Living A Reality. 
Nations against nations, it is there in the Bible. 
But I like Isaiah 54:15, "If any nation comes to fight you, they will no be sent by me.. Whoever attacks you will go down in defeat." 
(a) in the context of intolerance among nations.. All that we see today in our world has been foretold. 
(b) In the context of your own life being in constant threat by sicknesses, afflictions,accusations and problems, it was foretold. 

Refusing to live the reality, quite often result in seeking quick fixes 
Quick fixes have a tendency of setting people in bondages. 

Satanic delays and shadow pursuing spirit, if you take shortcuts you will very often pursue something and eventually find yourself returning to your starting point after a great deal of time wasted. 
And still having not achieved it. 

Psalm 51 
Isaiah 63:15-19;64:1-12

Repent and forsake your sins.
Rededicate yourself to Jesus Christ

May God bless you mightily in Jesus Christ's name.


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