Whoever Has Ears, Listen And Repent Or Get Torn Apart

Whoever has ears, listen and repent or be torn apart
(First series)
A Christian
Luke 11:23 "Anyone who is not with me opposes me, whoever isn't working with me is working against me."
Those words came out from Jesus Christ.
If you are calling yourself a Christian,
are you behaving like Christ?
are you walking in His statutes?
Are you keeping His decrees? 
If you are a Christian,
You mean you are a nation that belongs to King Christ.
You are no longer a South African or Zimbabwean or American etc.
You mean you are someone who walks with the Lord, not close to the Lord, whose ways are determined by the Lord
You are you are someone who carries the Load with God.
And any Nation has something that makes it distinctive.
Some may be described by drug and other works of darkness because they resemble their father who does all that which is contrary to the word of God.
What is it that describes you as a Christian, are your father's works evident in your lifestyle? People say Christian
they can't even define the name. 
Look at yourself, are you with Jesus? ,
are you working with Him?
Jesus in His ministry on earth, He was and is full of love.
Brought people out of captivity,
How many people of God have you helped to come to God?
None, then you have to work on that, look around you, people need help in so many ways, deliverance, counseling, healing etc.
Jesus does not do works of darkness
The Lord spoke and Ziba bring Mephibosheth, Andrew bring Simon to the Messiah and Phillip bring Nathaniel.  Some of us are praying day and night and God has heard our prayers, and our breakthroughs are in serving the Lord, not by becoming Pastors or Evangelists, by inviting people to the Lord.

A Prophet Has No Honor In His Hometown
When a servant preaches the word of God, anyone rejects the message that person rejects the one who sent the message through the servant.
Evangelists and Pastors will agree, it is very painful to stand before people every Sunday that are rejecting the message.
You can feel deep down their hearts,
You speak, wishing you were preaching to other people who would accept your message.  Servants of God be strong in the Lord and His Mighty Power, you have done your part and after the message the Father signs and seals. Luke 10:20 "Do not rejoice because evil spirits obey you, but rejoice because your names are registered in heaven."
Even those who reject the message they are known they were there when the message flamed out of the servant's mouth.  A large number of people will reject a message that rebukes or condemns the works of darkness but lead them to eternal life and accept that which will sound good but lead them to eternal death.  Jeremiah 5:14"Because the people are talking like this, my message will flame out of your mouth and burn them like kindling wood."
There are people in the whole wide world who wish to get to know God but they have no one to usher them to the Lord, some it is not because there are no churches next to them but due to the fact that most churches have resorted in teaching that which pleases people but not God and some people who really want to know God will not settle for that. If you are out there in this situation, you are destined for bigger things in life, the fact that you have a hunger for God, that shows greatness in you.
Humble yourself and pray to God for His Mercy over your life.  Ask God to reveal Himself to you.

A friend Of The World

Most people are serving a dead god, the unknown God of the Athenites (Acts 17:23)
Because they do not know the power of God they serve.  Evangelist Neriah once said,"the reason why we miss it,is because in our minds we have dressed up God in a colourful suit and placed Him on a chair as a man, God is in a Spirit form."
His power is being revealed before their very eyes but they can't see it and His work is not evident in their lifestyle

1. If you were to be called in your sleep and asked, Jah who is God?
It will take you time to answer until you are awake and switch to your mind and recall.
Or if I were to call you while in your deep sleep, Child of God, it will take time for you to realize I'm calling you, because it is something you don't live to the fullest.
2. But if I were to call you by your name, you will respond immediately......... Idol.....
.. Our names have become so important that they have overtook the Creator and the Potter.
Some of us have inherited our names from our parents and grandparents, little do we know a name goes with all habits, curses and whatever evil attachments there were on that person and everything that he was and had done bounce back to the one that has inherited the name.

John 21:15 "After breakfast Jesus said, "Simon Peter, Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? Yes Lord, You know I love You," said Peter.
"Then feed my lambs," Jesus said.

For Jesus to entrust you with the grace of serving Him, He wants to know if you love Him more than the world.
If you love the world He cannot entrust you, If you are out there, and serious with your life, you will make a decision to love Jesus more than any other person or thing.
That is when you will experience the power in Him, but until then you will continue to serve God you do not know
That is a dead god, remember only Jesus will be there on the day of your judgement
Not your friends, parents and spouses.
In judgement everyone is on his/her own
Look at your friends, are they with Jesus?  If not.
Who are they walking with? It is your duty to bring them to Jesus.
In order to be with Jesus, one has to accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
Until you accept Jesus in your life, it doesn't really matter if you live inside the church you,if you have been going to church from birth. 
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, do it today.

When surrounded by people who have not accepted Christ, when you have already,
Do not be comfortable, stay in in prayer until they do. For whoever is not with Jesus is against Him and whoever opposes Jesus stands with satan.  If you can't win them over they will win you revisit this scripture over and over until you clearly understand what it means. (Luke 11:23)

They are your friends but they are against Jesus and you are a Christian, how much sense does that make?
They are enemies of your King and Father. 
But to you they are friends? They are friends of the world. The World that hates Christ.
To you they are friends on one hand,
You are a friend of Jesus on the other hand.
Spirit of confusion

Every time you go to the presence of your Father, they are with their father too, preparing water to quench your fire.
Your life could be experiencing continues battles right now because of the people surrounding you, darkness has more access into your life and its intention is to overtake the light in you. 
And you have given it the authority over you.
If you allow yourself to be surrounded by people who hate Christ,
People that continue to serve darkness, soon you will join them.
In other words you are in a territory of satan, you are swallowed up by darkness
Everything you discuss with them is reported to darkness without any interruptions,
The signal is clear at all times, then what do you expect?
With the lawless you partake in small talks, gossips, the people around you can't stand you talking of Jesus why?


1. I separate myself from any powers of the dead, spirit of ancestors, family idols, I am not your candidate, I have one God, the Lord of Heaven's Armies, all you rubbish of darkness I reject you by fire, in Jesus Christ's name.

2. Fire of God, search in and around my life for anyone and anything connecting me to darkness and remove all those evil gadgets from my life,in Jesus Christ's name.

3. Blood of Jesus, purge my life, purge my job, purge my relationship, purge my property, wash away all stains of darkness in and around my life, in Jesus' name. 

4. I am not a friend of the world in Jesus Christ's name.

5. I resist, reject and eject any innovation of darkness in my life,in Jesus Christ's name.

6. I am a child of fire,I am borne of fire,I am covered by fire from the top of my head to the soul of my foot, in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. Any evil gadget against my life be located by fire,in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. I am born again,I am a friend of Jesus Christ, I serve the Most High God,the Lord of Heavens Armies is His name, the Holy One Of Israel is my Father, I am a child of the Consuming Fire, in Jesus Christ Mighty name.


Glory be to Jesus Christ to everyone for doing the Will of God.  If you are led by the Spirit of God to visit us and partake in the Graces that we have 
1. The Grace of a 5 Point Plan
2. The Grace of Enquiry,
3. The Grace of Dreams Interpretation.
4. The Grace of Prayer Requests.

His Will Worship Centre Stanger 
Location: Mbonomuhle Pre - School, Shakavile,Stanger(Kwadukuza).
Sundays - 9am
Wednesdays - 6pm


  1. Thank you man of God. Enough is enough with rubbish of darkness.


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