Release Me

Release Me

Genesis 30:27 "Please listen to me," Laban replied.  "I have become wealthy, for the Lord has blessed me because of you.  Tell me how much I owe you.   Whatever it is, I'll pay it." 

When Jacob wants to leave Paddan Aram and return to his father's house, Laban objects, " the Lord  has blessed me because of you,  I have become wealthy, let's reason together and make a deal so you can stay longer and serve me so I may continue to benefit from your God."
Laban has an understanding that Jacob has been the source of his wealth as he is blessed by God, instead of turning to God and worship Him,  he chooses to be a parasite and receive blessings through Jacob and not direct from God.

1. That is the devil saying to you, "no ways, stay here with me I will give you my innovations in exchange of your blessings."
2. Those are people that are attached to you not because they love you but for the benefits there are in rubbing shoulders with you.
They apply the same concept in Genesis 12:3, "I will bless all those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt."

Now the devil knows life in the spirit and he uses that knowledge to his advantage to manipulate the children of God and he knows they are lazy to read the Bible thus making them soft targets for him.  He deploys his own people to attach themselves to children of God so they can strip them naked and suck their blessings.

When under the service of Laban you labour for another to enjoy and you are delayed greatly while busy sponsoring darkness with your blessings.
How many Labans are refusing to let you go just because when you leave, you will leave with your blessings?

Ask God to reveal Labans  in your life.
Tell that Laban to release you,  you have served him and earned what you have,
Laban is a limitation in progress, success blockage, that person cleaving unto you to suck you all the energy, finances(high potential but little rewarded), job/projects(profitless hard work).

Laban is that partner in your relationship, who does not believe in God and yet is being sustained by your prayers.  He is there by the instruction of his father(satan) to steal, kill and destroy whatever is invested by God in you.
I do not object cross marriages but it is hard enough for a spiritual believer to cope with a partner being a believer but not spiritual, in that relationship there is always a battle between flesh and Spirit and that may soon result in huge destruction and to spiritual dwarfism.

In some relationships one partner will mess up and even to the extent of physical abuse, every time the victim wants to quit, he will apologize and promise the heaven and earth so she would stay but it won't be long until it happens again, that is Laban.  He objected when Jacob wanted to leave.   Later his attitude began to change towards Jacob.
Genesis 31:4 "I have noticed that your father's attitude towards me has changed, but the God of my father has been with me."
Labans are every where in our lives, they will keep you close because they benefit from you not because they love you, if we are not careful as believers we may find ourselves stuck in a very narrow confined space with such that are stationed by satan in our lives to cause destruction, tap into the Spirit all the time and ask Holy Spirit to help you expose every Laban there is in your life.

Your job can be another Laban, you can be stuck in a day job that is only draining you, working long hours, earning too less but consuming all your time and energy, preventing you to look for another job or to start a business.


I declare by fire,  I shall no longer labor for another to enjoy, in Jesus Christ's name,. I shall not sow for another to reap, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 


1. Laban,I command you, Release Me right now in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
2. Laban, you profitless hardwork spirit release Me now by fire,  in Jesus Christ's name
3. Holy Spirit search in all areas of my life, for any hindrance spirits, blockages and limitations in Jesus Christ's name
4. Heavenly Father, I am Jacob Your servant and I'm Israel Your chosen One, As I call the fire, let it locate any area of my life where Laban is holding onto and remove him, in the name of Jesus Christ
5. Fire!!!!!!! (7) in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
6. In my relationship, my job, let the blazing furnace, burn with extreme rage any Laban refusing to release Me and to return what he owes, what is rightfully mine, in the name of Jesus Christ
7. As I call the fire, let 1000 fiery layers locate my relationship, my job, my surroundings, my health and leave no stone unturned, to release Me and to return to me what belongs to me, in the name of Jesus Christ
8. As I call the fire let it locate any damage done by Laban in my life and undo it in Jesus Christ's name
9. Fire!!!!! (7) in the name of Jesus
10. I raise a 1000 fold standard of fire upon any Laban refusing to let me go, release Me or be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ
11. As I call the fire, let it increase and set ablaze any Laban holding onto my inheritance in Jesus Christ's name
12. Fire!!!!! (21) in the name of Jesus Christ.

Amen God bless you for

By Evangelist GM Mbalane


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