His Will Be Done

His Will Be Done 

Meditation prayer point:
"No sickness, no affliction, no power is above the Blood that shed in the cross of Calvery, in Jesus Christ's name."

1.  Luke 14:26-27 "if you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else-your father, your mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even your own life. Otherwise you cannot be my disciple.  If you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple."

This is the most hardest statement that Jesus ever made in the history of His ministry.
Hate everyone by *comparison *
Comparison to what?
To His Will, does your relationship support the Will of God?
Anything that clashes with the Will of God, as a believer, you are expected to distance yourself from it.  However, Jesus does not really mean hatred towards your family, we all know Jesus is love.   We all know Jesus condemn hating your enemy, Jesus' language in families, in communities, in the world is love, peace and unity.
But He condemns idolized our families and ourselves and anything for that matter.

As a Christian, you have a hard line(the unyielding adherence to firm policy), doing the Will of God, operating within the Will of God at all times.  You do not compromise either with your mother or father,  God comes first.

Now, Jesus used the word "hate" to stress on reaching a point of disagreement not in everything (by comparison). But around the issue of the Will of God.  Obviously you cannot hate yourself but you can have an inner battle when the Spirit wants one thing and the body wants another.
Things that you love the most and things that you feel they glorify your life, that are against the Will of God and they defile you resulting in total destruction in a believer's life.  Partying, sinful life, and remember there is no sin too small and too big, all kinds of sins lead to death as they all belong to satan, who accuses you daily.  Also bare in mind there is absolutely nothing the devil has that has a potential of being good.
He can tell you what is true but from his mouth it is no longer the truth. Anything he touches gets contaminated.  If  you receive the money from him rest assured it's dirty as he is.

Separation from innovations of darkness is not easy because of super natural powers that are attached to them, but making a Will of God your priority no matter how much it costs is the only attitude to go with in order to come out victorious.  Prioritizing God will take you to first know the importance of His presence in your life.  With the presence of God in your life, divine protection, prosperity, direction and glory.  When the presence of God has been removed from your life, it means your name has been removed from those appearing in the land of the living. Everytime there is something good to happen in the land of the living, you are not counted amoung the people to receive that and your portion is not there.  Even in your dreams you will constantly be among strangers, dinning with strangers, those are spiritual communities from the land of the doomed.  The things you love most will remove the presence of God from your life, many people are dead walking because of living sinful lives.

2.  Jesus says remove all those people and things from your heart, those which you so dearly love.  This is by no means synonymous to "hate them or dispise them." Rather have normal love for them, that will benefit you.  We are humans, we have records of disappointment, we have records of failure, if I have disappointed, failed others and even myself,in many areas of life before, how much chances do I stand of failing you still fallible as I was when I did it to others and myself? God does not have any such record that is found in us.

3. The heart is the pillar of a man.  When erecting a structure, it's pillars are made with strong building materials so they can firmly support the structure.  Should any of the material used to make those pillars be weak, they will weaken the entire pillar and the whole building will collapse.
It is best to let your pillars be made of strong materials with no record of breaking down.
Besides, who of us would still rely on medication that is well known of killing people when injested unless the intention is to commit  suicide?
If you were to be told at the hardware that the material you are buying has a good track record of collapsing after some time, would you go ahead and pay for it and take it home to begin a project that is simply a disaster waiting to happen?

4. From your heart remove those things, you love them too much,  remove those people you love them too much, compare none to God your Maker.  The things you love too much, are a destruction, you worship them instead ofGod. Nothing and no one must disturb the Will of God in your life.

"Hate" appears in the context of:
1. Disagreement in comparison to the Will of God.
2. Removal of people and earthly things that wrongly occupy your heart thus hindering your relationship with God.
3. Warning of giving the devil access point in your life.
4. Total surrender to Jesus.

In the context if warning, the devil carefully studies before attacking someone.  Every time the evil fool attacks, he wants to make sure he strikes you where it pains the most so you will collapse, the devil does never play with you,his 3 fold mission statement is: ( John 10:10) to steal, kill and destroy.

Most children that fail dismally in life happen to be in the category of the kids that were brought up in favoritism.  So the devil knows exactly where to inflict pain in those families.  So he attacks the favorites and leave the others so they prosper while the favorites battle.  Hence we should learn to protect our loved ones by keeping them away from our hearts for we know the devil uses the heart to access lives.  If your family is in your heart, you are exposing it to danger of being attacked just so you will feel the pain.  But if your heart is filled with the Word, God, when the devil comes he sees the fire and he flees.

Total surrender, anything that you surrender because of Jesus, it does not fall onto the ground but onto His hands.  If you refuse to surrender your family, your finances, your relationship, your job to Christ, I can assure you, attack after attack and you do not have the power to protect yourself. Anything that is in your heart will be used against by the enemy at any time. And God has only the heart in a man if the heart is full of battles, conflicts and noise our God cannot dwell in it, because these things will be in constant commotion due to attacks. God made this temple for Himself to dwell in it but when He comes He is forced to wait outside because He is not God of conflicts. The people occupying your heart are disappointing you, hurting you, abusing you in every way possible, draining your energy, criticizing you in anything you do.  You love them too much? Stop worshipping them.  Anything you love too much is your idol.  Surrender them to Jesus.
Matthew 10:39,Matthew 16:25,Mark 8:35,Luke 9:24.

Hate your life, your parents Jesus means do not cling unto them if you love them surrender them to Him. Look around you everyone you love, in order to protect them surrender them to Jesus,
Your husband or wife surrender to Jesus,that cheating and unfaithfulness will only be stopped by Jesus Christ you can't.
Your favorite child doing drugs, surrender him/her to Christ, you have done a huge damage already. Remember Jesus does not intervene until we surrender to Him.
Whatever you refuse to surrender to Him, you will lose it.

Isaiah 61:1-2
-To the poor, here is good news.
-To the heartbroken, be comforted.
-If you are in captivity, be released.
-To the prisoner be free.
-To the mourning, the time of the Lord's favor has come.
-Today is the day of God's anger against your enemies

1. I Receive the Good News, in Jesus' name
2. From being heartbroken, I'm being comforted, in Jesus Christ's name
3. I and my family in captivity, we are being released in Jesus' name.
4. From prison, I'm being set free in the name of Jesus.
5. I have been mourning for long, I receive the Lord's favor in Jesus Christ's name.

Luke 12:49

Prayer Points:

1. Lord Jesus, I receive Your fire, to separate me from all that I so dearly love, in Your Holy name.
2. Lord Jesus, let Your fire burn all the things occupying Your place in my life,  in Your Holy name.
3. Lord Jesus, I surrender my own life to Your today, in Your Holy name.
4. Lord Jesus, I surrender my family to You today, in Your Holy name.
5. Lord my God, I surrender my relationship to You today, in Jesus Christ's name.
6. Lord my God, I totally surrender my heart to You today, take full control in Jesus Christ's name.
7. Lord my God, You have no equal, I surrender my all to You today, in Jesus Christ's name.
8. Lord my God, it is not Your Will for me to remain stagnant, I surrender to You, let Your Will be done in my life, in Jesus Christ's name.
9. Heavenly Father, it is not Your Will for me to be sick, I surrender my life to You today, let Your Will be done, in Jesus Christ's name.
10. Lord the Creator of heaven and earth, it is not Your Will for me to be poor, silver and gold belongs to You, let Your Will be done in my finances, in Jesus Christ's name.
11. Father God Almighty, it is not Your Will for me to die now, You added 15 more years onto Hezekiah's life, let Your Will be done in my life, in Jesus Christ's name.
12. Father God, it is not Your Will to live in poverty, let Your Will be done in Jesus Christ's name.


By Evangelist GM Mbalane


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