On The Bridge Of Fire (In The World)

On The Bridge Of Fire
(Jesus Is In Control)

(Hosea 4:6)My people perish because they lack knowledge
The main purpose of God with humanity revealed, there has been a constant battle between our faithful God and satan from the day he began to challenge God, but God is fair considering the devil is nothing but a useless fool, God could have made him perish long time ago, however, he has kept him just so God can demonstrate His Mighty Power against him.
Everytime a mother conceives, the devil knows another soldier has been deployed to engage him in combat.  That's how special and entrusted we are to God, had God not measured our strengths and given us power over satan, He would not have assigned us for the task to come here.  The devil panic and enquire information regarding the soldier to come and use that information to attack even before he/she comes but until birth, we are protected by God, so he will programme by calculations and set up a trap for the child either station someone(his agent) at the child's birth to steal the glory or destiny and even to kill the child plant his evil spirits or to turn the child against God if the child has greatness in his/her star.

The devil uses all the tricks he has to destroy humanity, for he knows the purpose of our existance is to engage him in spiritual combat.  Every move you make he wants you dead, there is never a time when he means to scare you, when ever he strikes, the purpose is to finish you off but God demonstrates His power and you survive an accident, rise from a deadly illness etc.

Yes lack of knowledge leads to destruction, we were given instructions to be in constant fellowship with God so that He may speak to us using His prophets in churches, He may speak in terms of written words to warn us of coming dangers and even in dreams and personal engagements. The more we come into His presence, we received grace depending on the grace of His House.  It is import to be aware of the grace that is in the House of God underwhich you are submitting.  Because the devil knowing the things of the Spirit, and he has been around for long enough, he has designed churches as well that are similar in procedure to those of Jesus Christ from the angle of spiritually blind individuals.  Prosperity, membership, blings and fame of the can be deceiving. Remember that which is friend of the world is an enemy to God.

Waking up every morning from the image of death, does not depend on anyone's wisdom, beauty, wealth, level of education etc, but it is the demonstration of the Almighty God's Power, millions of people around the world, healthy and sick, receive grace every morning to open their eyes and in heaven there's a huge praise and worship for the victory of the Father. However we wake up and begin our day without giving thanks to God, this shows how ignorant we are. We do not know the battle there is in getting us to open our eyes every morning, God extends His grace every morning to restore us. Everyday there are those who don't make it not because God has called them, but some would be far from receiving that grace due to many reasons.
Always appreciate each and every day, for it is a free gift from our Father in heaven. Always wake up to confess "indeed I am alive, thank You Jesus. " it does not matter whether you sick or physically challenged, confess the good and it shall manifest in your life.

In this particular personal engagements which I recently had with God, He revealed that out lives have 3 stages.
We were made and kept before coming to earth, again let it be stressed that the main purpose of coming to earth is not to be "fruitful and multiply."(Genesis 1:28)

Yes when we are on earth we were then told to do so but the main purpose is just like you would start a house building project.  In order for you to complete the project, you would erect walls, add windows, doors, design the roof etc, you will go through all these stages but your end result would be a complete house to dwell in.

The devil has used this to destroy humanity through unwanted pregnancies and immoral sex behavior.
The reason why we were made is for us to go into the Kingdom of God.
In order for us to go there, we have to go through a selection test which is done on The Bridge Of Fire(In The World).
Mighty men of God (Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, David, Elisha) and many servants of the Most High God have gone through this process and we were all there when they did, it is however so unfortunate that in the phase of The Bridge Of Fire, we cannot remember anything that is before that.
This is phase 2 of our lives, where we are tested and graded for the Kingdom that is yet to come.
When we enter in this phase, the door behind us gets sealed there is no turning back or memories of where we come from.
The amount of time specified by God to go through this phase is 70 years.
70 years of engagement with the satan day and night.

As you walk on The Bridge Of Fire, you fight to stay alive and the satan wants you dead so you will not make it across.  The Bridge is slippery, it cracks when you step on it and it is threatening to break, winds blow it to all directions and it shakes so hard at times, below it is a huge river which is made of blazing flames of fire.  That is our life of 70 years on earth that God allocates for everyone with zero exclusions.
But God says never be frightened by the enemy, he has no authority to break it unless you lose hold and fall into the blazing flames.  Hold on no matter how hard it shakes Jesus is in control,as long as His blood has the Power over everything as it always will, the bridge will not break either, not until you have completed your 70 years.

This 70 years is a period given to everyone to work on towards submitting his or her own assignment.

God does not contradict Himself, No one is taken by God before this time. For people younger than 70 to blame God for their death is blasphemy, we are making God a liar and a killer, there is nothing that connects God with the death of such people.

Yes nothing happens without God's will, however we need to know that there are 2 kingdoms, God's Will applies in the Kingdom of God and God does not force anyone to His Kingdom unlike the evil one and God protects his own that are called by His name, Isaiah 54:15 "If any nation attacks you, it is no because I sent them. Whoever attacks you will go down in defeat. Isaiah 54:17" In the coming day, no weapon turned against you will succeed, you will silence every voice that is raised to accuse you."
This is inheritance of the servants of God not those who choose to sell themselves as sheep to darkness,for they belong to satan and his will is done in their lives, his will is pain, destruction, sin and death if his demons are blood thirsty, he easily picks a sheep from his kraal and slaughter for them, God has no say or what so ever in that case which is why death toll is in so much of a rise among pagans and false churches.

Just as the evil one said to God, "I cannot touch Job because you have him protected." Job was only protected by God because he chose to worship God, walk in His statutes and made God his shield, he personally chose to maintain a good relationship with God through humblessness and righteousness during the time he had it all in a silver plata.  Something we fail to do, we may give ourselves time for God when we are down to zero, when He raises us, we develop prude and forget the prayers we did to beg Him to remember us and become too busy to be in fellowship with Him.

Isaiah 43:13 "The eternal spirit is in me"
“From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done.”

Pastor Rofhiwa Godzwana, I quote,
" Our God is the greatest, He is all powerful and he has and shall have everlasting dominion over time, space and every creature.

God didn't just show up in the middle of life time, he began the beginning and he will be there after the end has ended.
When you are in the arms of God, you are in the arms of the everlasting one, you hail from eternity with the eternal God and you are destined for eternity.
Others are not sure about their future in this life and in the life to come, today receive this assurance, your eternity is guranteed. Also know that, what you are destined to achieve in this time of life you will surely achieve it, no one can block or hinder you.
God is saying to you today, relax, when it comes to you,
No one can undo what I have done."

Unquote, ours is to remain in our position with Jesus Christ our Savior.  Hold on no matter how hard the Bridge is being shaken, do not let go for the devil is not given the authority to break it. The only time you may fall into the raging flames of the river underneath is when you let go. Remember to repent and forsake any known and unknown sin as you walk in this bridge for the world you are heading for is a holy one, your race will be much easier. The more innovations of darkness in you, more are forces against you On The Bridge Of Fire.

1. I declare by the authority in the Blood of Jesus, I am not a sheep of the devil.
2. I declare by fire in the Blood of Jesus, I shall never be slaughtered by any demons of darkness.
3. I declare by the power in the Blood of Jesus, I belong to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
4. I declare and I decree in the name of Jesus Christ, my life is in the hands of Jehovah the maker of heaven and earth, no devil will cut my days shorter than 70 years and above.


1. Heavily Father in the wonderful name if our Lord Jesus Christ I pray.
2. My God I return to you in humbleness of my heart, be my God, I and my house will be Your people that are called by Your name, in Jesus Christ's name.
3. Lord Jesus, You are my redeemer I rededicate my life to You today, in Your Holy name.
4. Father I Thank You for choosing me for this assignment of 70 years on the bridge of fire, for I know You have weighed and tested all my challenges before assigning me for it, in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. Lord Jesus I shall be honest and faithful to my assignment in the 70 years You have allocated me, in You Holy name.
6. Lord Jesus, may You extend Your grace over me and let me recover all the years that I wasted ignorantly in Your Holy name.
7. Lord Jesus, may You please cover me with Your precious Blood, as I wrestle with these powers and spirits, in Your Holy name.
8. Heavenly Father I know that these 70 years on the bridge of fire are not meant to kill me but to get me ready for Your Kingdom, in Your Holy name.
9. I thank You Father for all Your faithful promises, in Jesus Christ's name.
10. I thank You Father for the authority over powers of darkness during my 70 years on the bridge of fire, in Jesus Christ's name.
11. On the Bridge Of Fire, I thank You Father for walking before me as a Consuming fire, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
12. I thank You Father for You shall never leave nor forsake me, in Jesus Christ's name.
13. I thank You Jesus for extending Your grace and unfailing love upon me and my family, in Your wonderful name.
14. I thank faithful God, for restoring me from death every morning to renew Your grace upon me and my family, in Jesus Christ's name.


By Evangelist GM Mbalane


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