Do Not Fear

Do Not Fear

Genesis 14:16 

The power of walking with God, it came to pass when Abram had parted ways with his nephew Lot who then went to live in Sodom.  4 kings attacked 5 nations that Sodom was one of and took the people captive including Lot.  When Abram got the report, he gathered only 318 well trained men and pursued the troops, he overtook them and recovered Lot and other people and the spoil.

Judges 7:7,

God instructed Gideon to go to war with only 300 men against massive armies of Midian.

Judges 15:4,

It came to pass that Samson caught 300 foxes by himself, in pursue of revenge against the Phillistines and set their fields  ablaze using those foxes.

Judges 15:15 

Samson killed 1000 armed Philippines with a mere jawbone of a donkey.

1 Samuel 17:50 

David triumphed over the Philistine warrior with only a sling and a stone.  And the entire Philistines army ran away.

2 Samuel 23:20,

Benaiah chased a lion down into a pit and killed it,  with a mere club, he killed an impossible armed Egyptian warrior with his own spear.

Judges 5:26,

With only a peg and a hammer, woman(Jael) killed Sisera(a notorious commander of Cannanites armies) who had 900 chariots.

If you are a child of God always be aware that the battle is not yours,  it belongs to God.  Do not try to fight it yourself and do not be afraid.  The devil may roar as much as he wants just to scare you.  He has no power over anyone who is called by the name of God for those who are called by His name have "FIRE" and God walks before them as a Consuming Fire.
Be sure never go to battle with the devil using his own weapons or standing in his battleground, had David put on the heavy Armour like Goliath, he would have lost it. Had Jael tried to wrestle Sisera, it was a battle lost.  Be of good courage children if God, hold your peace and see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:14)

Psalm 125:1"those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion ;they will never be defeated but will endure forever."
This He promises believe it.  Abram was credited righteousness because of believing in God. Believing alone goes a very long way.

Luke 1:37"For the word of God will never fail. "

By Evangelist GM Mbalane


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