Come Out Of Them. - (series end)

Roll The Stone Aside

(Leave Laban, Come Out Of Them, Send Ishmael Away, Part Ways With Lot)
Leave Laban
Genesis 31:05 "I have noticed that your father's attitude towards me has changed, but the God of my father has been with me."
It came to pass that God told Jacob to return to his own people to his father's house after twenty years of labor of Laban, his uncle that became his father-in-law.  Jacob is sure to leave without stealing anything from Laban but Rachel just couldn't keep her distance from her household idols so she stole them as they fled. As a result, Laban heard about it after 3 days, driven by fury he set out to pursue Jacob.
As a child of God once you come to Christian faith, walk the journey as clean as you can be, leave everything of darkness and make sure you know the people you walk with.  It is pointless embarking on a journey with the people you do not know. The devil will always claim what belongs to him and pursue you, overtake you and stagnate you until you release what you have taken from him and be free.  The devil can make you remain in one point for stealing his innovations, he'll  make you suffer setback, reverse you for ever until you die.
Look around you, if you are not Rachel who stole the idols of the house of Laban you are in a accompany of Rachel and Laban is in your case because of what you have taken with you when you left him.
Search yourself and identify, ask Holy Spirit to search you leaving no stone unturned and reveal to you things that are not supposed to be in your possession and return them to their rightful owner of evil loads.
As a child of God you have to stand bold and rebuke the devil to stop following you and that is only possible when you are squeaky clean not having any of his innovations with you.
Examples of innovations of darkness:
Lies,dirty/dodgy lifestyle, habits, rebellion, disobedience,unforgiveness, unbelief[all known sins],

Genesis 31:32 "But as for your god's, see if you can find them and let the person who has taken them die and if you find anything that belongs to you,  identify it and I will return it to you."
Refusing to release what belongs to darkness while in a journey of Christian faith leads to destruction, Rachel did not make it to Ephrath she died in labor because of the curse issued by Jacob regarding the household idol of Laban.

Part Ways With Lot
Genesis 13:9 "The whole countryside is open to you.  Take your choice of any section of the land you want and we will separate.  If you want the land to the right I will go to the left."
For you to have peace, it is time to part ways with Lot, Lot had been under the care of Abram after Abram's brother died. He has benefitted from the blessing upon Abram,  he shares the same wealth,  it came to pass that the herds men from both sides began to quarrel over the grazing land.  In normal circumstances Lot would be told where to go,  he wouldn't be the one who chooses, his humbleness would be proven had he told Abram to decide after all,  but he chose the Jordan Valley seeing grazing pastures are more greener than the rest of the country.  He didn't know he was going into Sodom and that Sodom would be destroyed by the Rain of Fire.
How many Lots are being attached to you, because of the fact that they benefit from your blessing? They are not with you because they love you,but for the same concept in Genesis 26:28 " We can plainly see that your God is with you,  so we want to enter into a sworn treaty with you, let's make a covenant." says king Abimelech.
Some people are part of your life because of what you have.
Now God waits for you to part ways with Lot so He can release the mighty blessing in store for you, look around you identify Lot that is blocking your blessing from God.
Child of God there's a huge testimony awaiting you to part ways with Lot. Our God is not God of conflicts, all that battle in your heart originates from Lot, Part Ways With Lot.

Who is your Lot?
*That friend with whom you don't share the things of God.
*That anger,  that hatred, that unforgivensess, that disobedience, lifestyle,  habit, that relationship,  that person, that crowd you keep.  After Lot left God blessed Abram mightily. Your blessing is waiting keeping Lot with you is delaying it. Lot is your hindrance, your limitation, blocking your success.

Come Out Of Them
Genesis 12:1-2 " Leave your native country, your relatives and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you.  I will make you into a great nation."
The Lord says to you "leave those people, leave that lifestyle, leave those habits, leave your sins and live a holy and righteous life and I will bless you but I  can't bless you while you are still surrounded by them,  by all the filthiness."  Practically the Lord  may have prepared you to prosper in another city, another country, not where you are right now.  But right now God wants you to separate yourself from things that don't glorify Him and lay yourself before Him prepared as meet for master's use.  God calls for you to separate yourself just for Him alone.
Ask God to help you reveal the your Lot,  Ishmael,
"Dear Heavenly Father help me by tender mercies and reveal any Lot and Ishmael causing destruction in my life,  in Jesus Christ's name. "

1. Come Out Of Them-when Abraham wanted a wife for Isaac,  he sent his servant to Nahor his brother's house in Ur,to get a wife for his son.

2. Send Ishmael Away 
Genesis 21:10" Get rid of the slave woman and her son. He is not going to share the inheritance with my son Isaac."
Abraham prepared a meal and water for the journey, the purpose is not to kill him but he is not in the will of God for your life, he is of Sarah's mistake due to pressure of barenness.
How many mistakes have you done in your life because of peer pressure?
What ever you have done under pressure and is now affecting your life,  it may not be undone but you can send Ishmael Away so he may not be a thorn in your side.

3. Part Ways With Lot-,when Lot had been taken captive, Abraham rescued him,

4. Leave Laban-steal nothing from him only your wage for the years of service.
Parting ways does not mean becoming enemies.  There are things, people, habits which are hindrances in our lives.  Success, financial blockages, limitation, stagnation, backwardness.
Marrying an idol worshipper, how do you expect to worship God in that marriage?
King Solomon fell into idolatry because of his pagen wives.
It tool Jacob to flee from his brother Esau in order for him to meet God, you need to flee as well if you are serious with your life in the Spirit.


1. Lord of Heavens Armies, I come to You today in humility and I pray for Your mercy over my life, in Jesus'name.
2. Lord of all graces,  Your name is Yahwe-Elohim, Yahwe-Yireh, Your name is El-Shaddai,  I surrender my life to You today, in Jesus Christ's name.
3. Holy One of Israel, God of my salvation,  I humble myself before You in this hour, I pray that You set me free from the sins of my forefathers and those I knowingly and unknowingly have committed in the past, in Jesus' name.
4. Oh Heavenly Father by Your loving-kindness, release me from the chains of the evil one,  so I may worship You in truth and in Spirit, in Jesus' name.
5. I send away all Ishmaels from my life,  in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. I release every Lot attached to my life and from every Ishmael, I detach myself,  I disconnect myself, I separate myself, by the authority in the Blood of Jesus, in name of Jesus.
7. I am coming out of them today, right now by Fire, in Jesus Christ's name.
8. Ancestral cycles, family idols, jealousy friends, manipulator spirits,covenant names(I am coming out by Fire,in Jesus' name) x7
9. All you hindrances,blockages, limitations, poverty, chains of darkness, be broken by Fire in the Blood of Jesus Christ, in Jesus' name.
10. I am walking out of the people of Ur, I am leaving my native land, I am going with God where He wants me to go, in the name of Jesus.
11. I am leaving Laban, to the land of my Father to worship God day and night, in the name of Jesus Christ.
12. You stubborn Pharaoh let me go! I am the First born of Jehovah, in Jesus Christ's name.
13. You Laban, stop pursuing me, I have nothing belonging to you, let me go! In Jesus' name.
14. Laban, Laban, Laban, stop following me, I have left your land and all your idols, I am going to worship Jehovah, in the Mighty name of Jesus.
15. You stubborn Pharaoh and all your army of Egyptians, may sudden destruction fall upon you for pursuing me in Jesus name.
16. May the Red Sea close upon my enemies and bury them for pursuing me, in Jesus Christ's name
17. Like Elisha, all those mocking my situation, let the bear devour them in Jesus Christ's name.
18. All those hunting for me, God of Elijah let the Fire fall down and consume them,  in Jesus Christ's name.
19. All those coming in enemousity to me, God of Elisha, make them blind,  in Jesus Christ's name.
20. God of Elisha, open your servants' eyes so they may see these chariots of Fire surrounding them, in Jesus Christ's name.

By Evangelist GM Mbalane 


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