Roll The Stone Aside(Series)

Roll The Stone Aside
Series (The Power of Believing in Jesus)

John 11:39-4Roll the stone aside, Jesus told them.

The stone at the door of the grave must roll aside.
it is blocking the voice of Jesus from reaching you.
That stone of
1. unbelief,
2. unforgiveness,
3. hatred,
4. grudge bearing,
5. sinful lifestyle,
Jesus says roll it aside so you can experience the power of God in your life.
Power of Believing in Christ Jesus "
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours
It is pointless praying while you do not believe in Jesus Christ.
Believing in Jesus and God is simpler than we think it is.  The problem originates from trying to believing for the sake of material things, then we miss it, for we then pray without faith and expect to receive.
What are the most important things that we believe about Jesus and God?
1. We believe that Jesus is our Lord and  Savior.
2.  We believe that God is the maker of heaven and earth and everything in it.
3.  We believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
4.  We believe that Jesus died for our sins and God rose Him from the dead and enthroned Him above everything else.  If we could all begin here,  it would as well be easier to believe that Jesus will heal us,  deliver us from any affliction.  It would be easier for us to believe in Him in all situations.
John 11:25-26. I am the resurrection and the life,  anyone who believes in me will live even after dying.  Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. If we believe that Jesus lives in us and that He will heal us, He makes sure that we don't get disappointed for we know He has no record of disappointment or failure and that is called doing the Word(Mark 11:24).  Jesus is indeed the resurrection, and the life, He resurrected after death and entered His glory.
Do you know satan?
The father of lies and desception,
The hater of righteousness
The tempter and a thief
The owner of evil loads
The owner of envy 
The enemy of progress
Why do you grant him access into your life.
Why do you listen to him when he says,"hate those that wrong you, don't forgive? "
When he tempts you,  why do you fall for him?
Why do you listen to him when he says it's over with your life and you deserve to die(suicide)?
Why allow him to whisper his filthy plans into your ears?
Why obey him when he says, reject and resist deliverance just so you will not manifest and be held up to ridicule?
Why do you allow him to inflict you with the spirit of fear?
It is because manifestation has nothing to do with you.  But his humiliation and defeat when he is exposed.
The total balance of the devil and his pride are in hiding places. 

Luke 10:18, I saw satan fall the sky like lightening. Jesus answered His disciples when they returned to report that even demons obeyed them when they used His name.
If you strip him off the pride and expose him from where he is hiding, everytime a person receives deliverance from evil spirits, the devil falls from the sky so bad that he becomes so frustrated and seek revenge against the servant of God.
His little courage dies and is defeated.
Your first weapon is believing in Jesus and as the Son of God and that He is alive and living in you, the devil can't stand anyone who believes in Christ.
Whoever believes in Christ is enemy number one to darkness.  But Jesus as well knows and protects the person. 
There are people who are born with a star and those people get attacked by the enemy immediately  they enter this world, from day one their battle begins because of what God has deposited in their lives(spiritual gifts). There are also people that live freely due to being born with nothing that poses danger to darkness and those people will be born with a silver platter, we then think they are blessed, which is not true if we look at it from a spiritual angle.  Having the riches of the world without Jesus, is a curse, no amount of silver or gold will take anyone to heaven.  
Right now if you are suffering the writing is clear on the wall, in the light of this above statement,  it is because you have something more precious and special than silver and gold deposited in your life. Anyone who is Jesus' sheepfold will never have it easy, those that do not belong in the sheepfold of Jesus Christ, have nothing in the spirit realm and the devil doesn't care about them, they pose no danger to his kingdom anyway.  On that matters to him are things of the Spirit, remember the enemy's 3 fold Mission statement in John 10:10, to steal, kill and to destroy.

You may not be able to see the sign of a star in you but workers of darkness will notice it in just a glance and attack you like nobody's business.  Stripping you naked so you end up frustrated and unprotected.
Right now you are probably frustrated because some medium you consulted told you that some midwife stole your spiritual garment at birth referring to the amnion (the membrane that covers the fetal side of the placenta), which protects the fetus from injury and helps to regulate the temperature of the fetus in the womb.  Something that no mother is allowed to take home anyway. 
You have been deceived and you are now frustrated, because of something that points back at 1960 instead of surrendering your life to Jesus, engaging in bombarding prayers to recover your glory with the mercy of God. 
John 8:43-45, "Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me." To some people the things of the spirit are like speaking in riddles if they do not believe. 
Always ask for the mercy of God because that struggle/battle to comprehend is because of being canal instead of being spiritual.
It is impossible to understand Jesus if you are too canal for He is the Spirit and communicate in the spirit. 

Everything about Jesus is true but unbelief and miscomprehension comes natural to someone who is too used to the lies of the devil. Because the truth is contrary to lies and when the devil:-
1. Speaks the truth,  it automatically becomes lies.
2. He does not have a least of it at all
3. Regardless of the tangible evidence he might show you, once the truth is in his possession, it is no longer the truth.
4 . Speak of righteousness, once it is in the devil, it is no longer righteousness.
*****If you do not believe that Jesus was raised from the dead by God, you do not believe in Jesus, you Don't believe, he will heal you, 
****You rejecting deliverance
******you are standing with satan and you hate Jesus, your real father is the devil,
***** if you belong to Jesus
*****you open your heart and receive your deliverance.
****Jesus says He is willing to deliver you today.
*****He wants to deliver you today, 
*****Your unbelief has prolonged your deliverance,  He wants to take full control of your life.  ********He knows what's best for you
1. Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you x7
2. Lord Jesus deliver me by Your mighty power and tender mercies  x7
3. Lord Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me,  x7
4. Lord Jesus by Your will not mine, intervene in my situation today x7
5. Lord of heavens Armies, let Your will be done in my life, in Jesus name x7

By Evangelist GM Mbalane


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