When God Speaks- (Someone Must Listen)

(Someone Must Listen)

When God Speaks someone must listen. 
The purpose of God’s speaking is for us to be warned of future circumstances can be good or bad.
He speaks in many ways.
He speaks through:-
His servants
Dreams and visions
Spoken word

What To Do when God speaks?
(2 Kings 20:1-6)
This is the most hardest time when you would be told to put your house in order since the sickness that has afflicted you will take your life.  Prophet Isaiah delivered the message to Hezekiah.
Instead of panic he turned to the wall and asked God to remember his faithfulness and determination in the Lord’s work.  He chose to cry to God instead of crying in his living room and God heard him and extended his grace upon him by restoring him and He added 15 more years over his life.
The question is what can you count if you were to be given the chance to?
What do you do to glorify the Lord your God?
Does your life glorify Him?
Do your finances glorify Him?
Or your finances are just for you and your immediate family?
Does your property serve God?
Do you feed the hungry?
Do you clothe a naked brother or sister?

Anything that the Lord has given to you, is not yours but His, return it to Him and let it glorify the Lord your God who is faithful to you and so may you be.
Even if your car would break down, tell Him, “God here is Your vehicle, it is broken, I need it to go to work and besides, if it were to remain in pieces I will not be able to go and worship You, Your people, the elderly and the disabled will not have transport to go to Your house.”
In this way, you can present the case of your vehicle before the Father, provided your vehicle is of good use in the house of the Lord.
If God would say today, I will take away everything that you have.
Will you boldly stand before the throne of FIRE and remind Him how you have used all of those things to glorify Him?
Your relationships, do they glorify God in anyway?
How do I glorify God with my relationship? Is He part of it, what good comes out of it?
What do you discuss with your friends?
Is God the centre of your relationship?
Can you reason with God why He may not silence you?
Do you minister with your mouth?

When God Speaks?
You listen, obey and present your case like Hezekiah you don’t just weep hopelessly.
(1Kings 21:21-29)
A similar case when Ahab received a prophecy from the man of God Elijah, God will cut off the entire house of Ahab because of:-
Causing Israel to sin against God,
All abominations including idolatry, killing of all prophets of the Lord.
Making a covenant with Ben-hadad whom God had delivered to Ahab to destroy with all his people
Also Jezebel would be eaten by dogs and the rest of Ahab’s house would fall down by a sword for killing Naboth in envy of his vine yard.
In the fields they would be eaten by vultures and by wild beast.
But instead of all the weeping Ahab humbled himself before God and fasted, removed his crown and colourful garments, dressed himself up in sack clothes and slept on the ashes.
Seeing that, God sent Elijah to tell Ahab that He would not pass His judgement upon him for the sake of David, however He will release it upon Ahab’s children.
If an evil person like Ahab could obtain the mercy of God through humbleness, brethren we both know you are far from being as bad, so all you need to do to obtain the mercies of the Father, is humbleness.
Go to God in humbleness of your heart and ask for His mercies which are forever old, bare it in mind that you will not be the first and our God is faithful and just to forgive us if we repent and forsake our sins;confess our sins in truth and in Spirit.

(Numbers 22:6-13)
Do not be like Balaam being a servant of the Lord and do dealings with darkness, accepting gains from Balak to destroy Israel whom the Lord Himself drove out of Egypt with His mighty power and preserved in the wilderness for 40 years making sure neither their garments ware out nor their feet swell. 
We are blessed with the Grace of Inquiry in our church.
As a child of God there are things you don’t even have to inquire of the Lord if you should do, for you know our God is God of righteousness.  Hijackers and robbers come to you with an offer to drive them due to your outstanding driving skills, do you really have to inquire if you should take that offer?
Don’t you know that a child of God doesn’t sit on the table of Jezebel?
Relatives’ idol worship ceremony over the weekend, will you seriously inquire if you can go there?
God says “NO” even to accept such people into his house was out of the question.
(Numbers 22:17-34)
They come again with the same request but different price this time and again you go to God to ask if you can go do dirty works of darkness?
Let me tell something God knows what’s in your heart and will say, “desire of your heart.” like He said to Balaam the 2nd time he accepted the princes of Moab in his house again. Even there, you do not listen.

Balaam is:
Spiritually deaf
Spiritually blind
It took a donkey to warn him of the mistake he had made, the donkey is more spiritual than him.
If God says, “desire of your heart after saying NO.” you are rather stupid to proceed with that particular journey.
As a child of the Most High God, you are not expected to avail yourself to every invitation, first check if God is part of that occasion or not before you even go for inquiry even with funerals, it is not always the case that you have to avail yourself for them, funerals can be a trap, you go there and eat food prepared by agents of darkness, your FIRE is gone.

Do things with which you may be able to approach the throne of FIRE
Scrutinize your possessions and next to you, check if what you have is not destruction.
Everything you use to glorify God is blessed.
As you engage in prayer, ask God for Restoration.


Heavenly Father, please forgive me for not glorifying You with my finances, my property, my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, please forgive me for not listening to Your voice when You speak, in the name of Jesus Christ.
My Father, have mercy on me for not acting on Your word, in the name of Jesus Christ.
My Father, please do not forsake me, and do not rebuke me in Your anger, in Jesus, name I ask.
Oh gracious Father, please extend Your grace over my life and restore me, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Heavenly Father, I am a sinner that needs Your grace, please have mercy on me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus, take more of me and give me more of You
More of Your loving kindness
More of Your faithfulness
More of Your grace
More of Your unfailing love
More of Your power
More of Your humbleness, in Your holy name I pray
Lord Jesus, have mercy on me
Son of David, have mercy upon me
Son of David, have mercy on my family, my finances, my property, my ministry, in Jesus Christ’s name.

By Evangelist GM Mbalane   


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