
Showing posts from March, 2020

The End Times

THE END TIMES  Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. *116 earthquakes in the past 24 hours* *1,010 earthquakes in the past 7 days world wide.* A number of pestilences have come by the likes of Tb, HIV Aids etc which hit the world badly, just when we are trying to get to grips with life in this narrow confined space, here again we find ourselves faced with a  pandemic of corona virus which is threatening the entire world both rich and poor with no hope of surviving. *Yet we are expecting another sickness which will be transmitted through use of cutlery, it will wipe out multitudes of people in the continent of Africa.* People of God, the Kingdom of God is so near that we cannot even begin to measure it. Let's encourage our loved ones to receive salvation, and let's seek God ourselves while we may still find Him. Good people everything written in the bible will soon co...


FILL ME UP LORD JESUS CHRIST (Luke 5:3-7) 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon and asked him to put out a little from shore.  Then He sat down and taught the people from the boat. “Put it out a little from shore.”(Glorify God with your assets, time and life).  Then the struggle you had the last night will be over. Make room for the word in your heart. Had Jesus started by giving Simon fish, he would rush to the market making no room for the word. Had Jesus made a promise to catch fish, Simon would have offered because of what he was going to get thereafter. Most people have the attitude of, what’s in it for me? What will I get if I offer to help? People want to know what is in it for them if they pay offerings and tithes, if they go to church. People are too time cautious, too busy for the things of God. People allow themselves to be crowded by day-to-day activities of life and ignore the voice of God as if they can add a single s...

Nocturnal Emission(Spirit spouse attack)

Nocturnal emissions(spirit spouse defilement) Deuteronomy 23:10 "Any man who becomes ceremonially defiled because of a nocturnal emission must leave the camp and stay away all day.  Towards evening he must bathe himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp." What is a nocturnal emission? Answer: spirit spouse attack or a dream in which a man/woman will be engaging in a sexual intercourse with a demon that will appear either as a stranger or a known person to them. Most people experience this attack every now and again, to some it comes whenever there is something good about to happen in their lives. If you are one of those people, be attentive, this means in the spirit realm a certain demon is claiming to be married with you. Every time you experience such dream, your glory is stolen and captured underwater marine kingdom soon you will have manipulator spirit children that will drain you of everything from finances to your blood.  A woman will breastfeed in dre...

Morning Prayer Bullets

Morning Prayer Bullets It is very important to begin the day with a prayer A morning prayer must be structured in 3 forms 1. You cancel any evil dreams or works 2. Declarations over the day 3. Binding of spiritual forces 4. Thanksgiving Always remember purity is number one when you engage in warfare prayers, you do not want a situation where you will pick up a fight and then find yourself regreting why you even started it.  Engaging in a spiritual warfare while not in the right stand with God will often compound your problems because you will be operating outside the cover of God, so be warned a warfare prayer will give you victory however, it is may be a dangerous territory if you habor sins.  If you have not accepted Jesus Christ and you want victory for yourself and your family, you should consider doing so today.  An honest truth, a prayer while you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, is a wasted prayer.  There connection between you...

Come Out Of The Crowd

Come Out Of The Crowd Luke 8:50, But when Jesus heard what had happened, He said to Jairus, Don't be afraid, just have faith, she will be healed.  When they arrived at the house, Jesus wouldn't allow anyone go in with him except Peter, John,James and the girls parents.  The house was filled with people weeping and wailing, He said "stop the weeping, she isn't dead, she is only asleep." But the crowd laughed at Him because they all knew she had died. When Jairus saw the child was close to death, he sought to find Jesus.  On his own, Jairus could not do anything do stop the child from dying.  I am sure that Jairus as a father had done all he could do to save the child's life. Child of God, hanging around weeping and wailing is never a solution, running around telling people about your challenges will never be a solution either. The bible says the house was filled with people weeping and wailing, but child of God, that didn't stop the child from dying...

Mock Worship (Reloaded)

Mock Worship (Reloaded) 1 Cor 12:3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. In the above scripture we find more understanding of who can claim to be under the leadership of Christ. The answer is those who are led by Holy Spirit.  Meaning those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and are baptised in Holy Spirit, those in whom the Spirit of God dwells. Now that being said, most churches that preach a different gospel other than that of the Cross or Salvation, are practising mock worship.  No one can call Jesus the Lord when they have not been saved.  Anyone who is not saved and baptised in the Holy Spirit remains out of the Kingdom of God where Jesus is the King.  When that so called believer calls His name, it is mock worship until he/she accepts Jesus Christ. We also touched base on (fallen-cross) false churche...