
Showing posts from August, 2019

His Will Be Done

His Will Be Done  Meditation prayer point: "No sickness, no affliction, no power is above the Blood that shed in the cross of Calvery, in Jesus Christ's name." 1.   Luke 14:26-27 "if you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else-your father, your mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even your own life. Otherwise you cannot be my disciple.  If you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple." This is the most hardest statement that Jesus ever made in the history of His ministry. Hate everyone by *comparison * Comparison to what? To His Will, does your relationship support the Will of God? Anything that clashes with the Will of God, as a believer, you are expected to distance yourself from it.  However, Jesus does not really mean hatred towards your family, we all know Jesus is love.   We all know Jesus condemn hating your enemy, Jesus' language in families, in communities, in the w...

Release Me

Release Me Genesis 30:27 "Please listen to me," Laban replied.  "I have become wealthy, for the Lord has blessed me because of you.  Tell me how much I owe you.   Whatever it is, I'll pay it."  When Jacob wants to leave Paddan Aram and return to his father's house, Laban objects, " the Lord  has blessed me because of you,  I have become wealthy, let's reason together and make a deal so you can stay longer and serve me so I may continue to benefit from your God." Laban has an understanding that Jacob has been the source of his wealth as he is blessed by God, instead of turning to God and worship Him,  he chooses to be a parasite and receive blessings through Jacob and not direct from God. 1. That is the devil saying to you, "no ways, stay here with me I will give you my innovations in exchange of your blessings." 2. Those are people that are attached to you not because they love you but for the benefits there are in rubbing sho...

In Need Of The Grace(Kindness)

In Need Of The Grace (Kindness) Is any one in Saul's family still alive - anyone to who I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?  2 Samuel 9:1-3 King David is willing to extend kindness of God. by doing good for members of Saul's household, If I remember well, Saul had been hunting David till he died But David being a man who was always after the heart of God He chose to show kindness.  You should do the same to your enemies, for it is what God wants. The more you do the will of God, the closer He comes to you.  You can draw God's attention, by putting Him first in your life, forget of what you want for moment and be more concerned about things that please Him,  in other words spend more time trying to please God not other people and yourself.  That alone is humbleness to God. Our humbleness moves Him, (James 4:6 God opposes the proud but He gives grace to the humble), (James 4:10 humble yourself before God, He will lift you up.) Every t...